Buenos Aires

Published: April 13th 2008
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So begins the Buenos aires Blog, we arrived about midday and turned up to our hostel only to be informed it was full and we'd have to come back tomorow, in the mean time we were put in a smaller hostel up the road full of drunk argentinian people we had a hard time understanding, didnt do much today just mooched around the hostel and wotched ice age 2 in spanish.

day 2 we moved over to our new hostel and had breakfast, the whole place is very trendy and full of loud vibrant people, it may be too cool for me and holden but we'll see how we fit in. Decided to go out to a BA street market today with a couple of Girls called Liz and Alicia, wondered up and down a bit bartering with the locals, buying empinadas and just having a browse, I bought some cool John Lennon style sunglasses to help me fit in with the cool people at the hostel, holden bought some similiarly cool glasses but they cant hope to compete with mine, we both also bought Mate cups and had our names ingraved into them (i plan on bringing some mate home with me but it looks a bit like powdered weed so may have some troubkle at customs).

For the evenings entertainment me, holden, a finnish girl called Anna and a Brit called Tom decided to go out to a Brazillian dancing Club to see a stageshow, unfortunatley it was also for crowd participation and none of us knew how to dance brazillian style, but we made a good go of it and i dont think we were too bad. It was a bit demoralising when some gorgeous Argentinian girl would come up to dance with you and then bugger off disgusted after youd stepped on her feet a few times, but we didnt care much and made do dancing amongst ourselves.

Day 3 woke up about 10 this morning feeling like the plague (which incidently is still around over here) you have to bear in mind that the night life here doesnt start until 2am and goes on until about 8-12 decided to have a gentle stroll over to the cementary with Liz and Alicia which was suprisingly pretty and vibrant, we then made our way back just in time to go to a Percusion show out in town, the atmosphere was awsome, everyone was getting drunk and jumping around and shouting while 15 or so guys on the stage clapped and bashed drums and chanted, think a football stadium except the players all have drums, definatley somthing id do again, after the gig we went to a house party and had more to drink, then went back to the hostel and went out again but by that time i was too drunk to remember where...or how i got back.

Day 4 Woke up at 11 today, same sort of feeling decided to go out for a famous Argentinian steak buffet today with some Israli friends we'd met, took hours to amke all the way across the other side of the city but the end result was soo worth it, it was like the best parts of a buffet (all you can eat, food directly at your fingertips, very cheap) mixed with a fancy london restaurant (sushi, magnificant steak, caviar) we stayed there for 2 hours eating and resting and eating some more, then we headed back to the hostel, gathered some friends together and went to BA techno club, stayed there dancing like crazy burning off all that meat til about 6am then dragged ourselves home, sweaty, tired, confused but amazingly sober, unfortunatley i also realised id left my phone in the taxi, hence the lack of photos for BA, am pretty gutted but hopefully the insurance will be able to sort somthing out for me, im actually rather impressed i managed to keep it for so long.

Day 5 woke up again feeling like the devils arse, realised that a chunk of my liver had fallen off during the night and decided we had to get out of the city before it killed us, so we gathered up our Israli friends and German girl called Viola and gopt the next bus to Iguazu, an area of Argentina famous for its amazing waterfalls, was actually quite relieved to get on the bus so i could sleep... next stop iguazu!

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13th April 2008

daddy & mummy
Hi Guys, Great blog, well done with the camera James, I'm amazed you had it for so long! Your tans are coming on. You're certainly burning the candle at both ends. Steady on with the booze, you don't want to end up like Zoe! Tip no. 2: Stand a bit closer to the razor in the morning. Mum and I had our first night alone for 21 years last night! Hailed aand rain on our bike ride today, cold. Love Mummy and Daddy.
13th April 2008

This all sounds so much fun James, don't worry about your liver - transplants are free on the NHS and suprisingly successful. x
14th April 2008

Only worry
The only worry about drinking is that uni will be even more expensive if you hit the Brazillian stuff every night for 2 months... Sleep well gorgeous.
14th April 2008

Great blog James, see you have plenty of very attractive company- They are good for you provided you are sober enough to enjoy them. Try to keep the alcohol intake down to about 16 hrs per day.
15th April 2008

Oh thanks zoe is that a sly offer for a bit of discount treatment i hear? give me a nice fresh one after someone pops it? wel we are on our way to the desert now so no more crazy nights and loose women, now dry nights and dusty women, we were going to head off to the north of argentina but had an impulsive change of heart after meeting 2 english guys on a bus, so we hopped off and rescheduled, thats the beauty of this trip, we can do what we want! we nearly accepted a lift with a group of girls who had a minivan to go hang out on a ranch for a few days but decided we wanted t see iguazu falls instead, hope all is well xx
15th April 2008

Yes tis true the candle is being well used, but weve calmed down a bit now, not such heavy nights so i think weve avoided the living warning that is zoe, how was your night alone? scary? has everyone else left now then? haha oh thats a shame apart from a few tropìcal storms the weather here has been lovely, see you soon xxx
15th April 2008

No problem grandy thanks for the advice, alcohol consumption has gone down at the moment ç, weve just spent the last 21 hours on a bus and are just about to take another one but its suprising how quickly the time passes, the busses here are like hotels on wheels! the women are indeed lovely, it must be a requirement to get in the cuntry although i dont know how holden and i managed to slip through the net, see you soon love james
15th April 2008

Facial hair
Do they not sell razors out there? :P hehe. hope ur having a great time! xxxxxxxxx
21st April 2008

Is the answer to your question but it isnt always easy to shave out here, plus i cant be bothered, i am planning on having a shave today though so no longer will i look like shaggy from scooby doo, hope your doing okay voosey, miss you xx
23rd April 2008

Hehe i was only joking , well... a little bit joking lol. hehe! xxx

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