TY and JOs great adventure

Published: April 5th 2008
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 Video Playlist:

1: tango 21 secs
Flying into SantiagoFlying into SantiagoFlying into Santiago

The view over Chile was a gorgeous view of rolling mountains for as far as the eye could see, while in the few valleys there was a small town. One would wonder how they aquire the necesseties they need
Hola amigos, como son usted? After a long day (22 hrs) of travel, one incredibly shaky landing in a very windy Toronto and a surprise layover in Santiago chile, we have arrived in beautiful Buenos Aires. After sleeping most of the next day , we eventually woke up to tour some of the neighbourhood of palermo (where we are staying) and ate some traditional fare. At a local cafe we ate a pizza and empanadas (something similiar to a pizza pop) and drank a few beers. The bill coming to 60 pesos, about 18 dollars us. We also managed to take the subway downtown for some sight seeing where during peak hours no cars are allowed! Downtown is espechially busy with all the shops and lights of Newyork even the burger king is situated in a old time castle like structure. While in Edmonton the street entertainment consists of people banging on drums or the odd guitar, here in Buenos Aires they tip thier hats for a different reason! At any given time you will find men and women dressed up to the nines doing the Tango, with full suits and glamourous gowns they dance on street corners and in malls
Our apartmentOur apartmentOur apartment

This is a view of our lobby after you pass the very nice securiy guard at the front desk. He loves Tyler but knows very little english!
in return for a few pasos. Which by the way has prompted Tyler to take all night Tango lessions... lol... I'll keep you posted on that one!

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Photos: 8, Displayed: 8


Beer is cheapBeer is cheap
Beer is cheap

One liter costs 2.50 pesos which is about 90 cents for the biggest bottle of beer they make. On the other hand the things that we take for granted in Canada like oreo cookies (which I paid 12 pesos for 10 cookies, about 4 dollars) or ketchup are not so inexpensive here!

Mercedez everything even the buses!

This is what the cop cars look like here, infact all cars are really small yet drive at incrediable speeds! With no speed limits posted in the city and no lines on the road it's hard to cross the street without jogging!

The indoor, outdoor mall we found!

Wow is that buger king?
Abandoned KittiesAbandoned Kitties
Abandoned Kitties

A kitty park we found where the kitties live and the locals bring them milk and food!

6th April 2008

Nice blog folz
9th April 2008

cool pics !! cant wait to see more!!
13th April 2008

Tyler and Joline, Great pictures of buildings and cats! Where are the pictures of both of you interacting with the city of Buenos Aires!!

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