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November 3rd 2005
Published: November 3rd 2005
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Have my midterms right now and I think I might be failing all four of them...even the instructions are in chinese which doesn't make it easier. But I've heard that nothing really happens if you fail apart from that you need a really high percentage on the next exam to pass. Oh well...

The exams a divided into three days and now I only have the speaking test left. Gonna meet my language partner tonight and practise because I really need it. My pronunciation is horrible it seems like.

Otherwise I'm spending tons of time in a coffeshop called Cava that is really nice but a bit expensive. We are there at least three hours a day and our record is ten hours straight... I go there to study and usually Dan comes along to practise calligraphy and drink tea (he is brittish after all) and sometimes the others go there as well but not for that many hours.

Have been doing a bit of shopping as well and it is really fun. Everything is so cheap here and as long as you don't really need it bargaining is a lot of fun. I've bought a teaset, sweaters, shoes and scarfs so far. Even if I don't need most of it it's so easy to buy just because of the price and the discussion with the shopkeeper trying to convince them that their price is ridiculous. Having white skin doesn't help at all because the prive they tell me is just crazy because they think I'm a stupid tourist. But since everything is cheaper than back home I guess I can live with it.

Now I just want to finish the horrible exams so I can start having a life again! Gonna spend my weekend sleeping, reading, shopping and watching football. Getting quite attached to Liverpool and the place where we watch the games is just brilliant. Anyway, I'm almost getting more brittish culture than chinese from spending so much time with Dan and James, even had english breakfast today at a pub and I have also come to love Eddie Izzard and started to make french surrender jokes.


6th November 2005

Yes, you're becoming quite British! You'll be having afternoon tea and wearing a union jack top next...

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