Kanchanaburi - Koh Phayam

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January 29th 2008
Published: January 29th 2008
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Sunrise at the pierSunrise at the pierSunrise at the pier

This was taken at Ranong pier as we waited for the boat to Koh Phayam
We are now in Koh Phayam (also spelt Ko Payam) in the South of Thailand.

On our last day in Kanchanaburi (Friday) we relaxed, popping into a couple of book shops to part-exchange the ones we've finished and I went for a shave. This was at a barbers where the chair was laid back dentist style and the cut-throat razor whipped out. It was a bit nervy at first but then I nearly fell asleep a few times. I haven't been so clean shaven in months.
It was then a bus to Bangkok and an overnight bus to Ranong where we got the boat to Koh Phayam. The boat took about 3 hours and, stupidly, because of the sea breeze I didn't realise I was burning until I got some strange looks from people because my face is half white, half bright red. Koh Phayam is a tiny little island only 4km by 7km and shaped like a kangaroo. It's a mixture of jungle, white sand and blue sea and much of the time here has been spent laying in hammocks reading and looking at the view. It's a pretty quiet place which was what we wanted.
We're staying
Our home for a few nightsOur home for a few nightsOur home for a few nights

The bungalow we stayed in on Koh Phayam
in a wooden beach bungalow where we have a new pet, Beer Frog. He got his name when I tried to convince Allee that one of the noises at night are beer frogs, so called because they sound like they are supping the head off a pint. Allee seems to have grown wise to my trickstering ways though and wouldn't believe me. Just as she wouldn't believe me in Hong Kong when I said that the Chinese for shut up is 'Pipe down', (said in a Chinese accent of course). The noise here as darkness falls is deafening as one insect seems to set the rest off. They also pipe up at dawn just as loud.
While here we've rented a motorbike (with shopping basket on the front, yes we're cool!) and been cruising around the island. This doesn't take long even at the 20mph I've yet to get above. It does mean we can get to the little village where there is 24 hour electricity and internet and a pizza place. Yesterday we used the bike to get along to a secluded little cove to do some snorkelling. It took a bit of off-roading to get there and our
The beachThe beachThe beach

The beach outside our bungalow as the sun went down. We discovered that it was great snorkelling just off the beach around the rocks.
first fall off the bike, a slow sideways topple. The snorkelling was good with lots of different colours and sizes of fish and I even swam along in the middle of a shoal.
Yesterday morning Allee made a discovery in the bathroom, a discovery we call Megalizard. It's a much bigger version of Lizzie who seems to live in our roof. He's pretty harmless though and as long as he's eating bugs we're happy. We also nearly lost Beer Frog who decided to jump from where he was sat, only to crash into the opposite wall, fall to the floor and then get up as if nothing had happened. It's no good pretending Beer Frog, we saw you.
Today is very, very hot so we're sitting around in the shade drinking pineapple shakes, which are absolutely gorgeous and refreshing, and lemon juice. It's our last full day here and I'm quite looking forward to getting moving again. It's nice on the island but I feel like I should be off doing something, there's only so much hammock we can take.
Tomorrow we set off for Cambodia, a journey we've decided to do all in one go. This will involve a 3 hour boat trip to the mainland, a 9 hour overnight bus to Bangkok, a four hour bus to the border and a 4 hour pickup to Siem Reap. By then we'll probably be pretty tired so you'll next hear from us sometime after that. Hopefully we'll find somewhere in Siem Reap to upload photos to the last few blogs.

Hope everyone is well, feel free to email or leave a comment.



29th January 2008

hiya you two i have been reading these blogs and i have only just realised on the last one that i could leave comments lol i am a ding. Glad you are having a good time over there take care and look forwad to seeing you soon.
29th January 2008

You active....?????
Martin says he can't believe that you would rather be active than lay in a hammock all day! Wondered how long it would take you both to fall off the moped...slow motion was it???? The road to Cambodia seems long and tiring, but you'll get plenty of sleep. Oh and I can imagine you with half red and half white face very colourful hope Allee was quick to get a photo of that...haven't you learnt by now from past holidays hahaha Look forward to your next episode.........both of you take care.
30th January 2008

Eeee while rest of the family's working you and Allee are taking time out, chillin out and do nothing lol. Really enjoying reading about your travels :) x.
1st February 2008

not bad
"Sunrise at the pier" not a bad shot. Photography coming along nicely any killer shots yet?
6th February 2008

dear mammy allee i feel very annoyed and jealous that you have got new pets ,an ugly fat frumpy frog and a gormless stupid lizard .i hope you havnt forgotten me cos you know how cute i am. love you from gurty

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