The Islands...short but sweet

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October 4th 2007
Published: October 19th 2007
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We were sad to leave our beloved Kata but it was time to see the other side of Thailand where we visited Koh Samui. After the disappointment of Patong we decided to say away from the popular beaches and headed for somewhere in between, in this case Coral Cove. Our beach bungalow had fantastic views overlooking the sea and we (as in the complex) had our own private beach. Although tiny and rather pebbly, still cool and allowed Bec S to do a little snorkelling. The complex even had its own swimming pool, small but nice. It managed to turn Becs and Becs into children again!! It was just a short tuk tuk ride to the beach and small town of Lamai, a fabulous little place with great shopping.

Staying just a couple of days in Samui we headed for Koh Phangan by catamaran. Again rather than staying in Haad Rin, the popular full moon party beach we went to the other side of the island, Haad Mae. Direct from our beach hut was a 200m sandbar connecting the island of Haad Ma. It was very picturesque especially the amazing sunsets. We attempted some snorkerlling (Haad Ma supposedly had fantastic snorkelling) but Becs S injured herself (her feet and bum!) on some of the underlying rocks...donut! Kayaking on the other side of the sandbar was alot of fun, making a fab little team if we must say so ourselves.

The highlight however was renting our moped to tour the Island. We were'nt to sure on how strict the laws were (didn't fancy getting a fine) and as Bec S was the only one with a licence of some sort, she was the main driver. Although a little nervy at first, under the fine instruction of Bec C (who had had a moped for a year at home), she did a mighty fine job (well we didn't crash hehe). It was a wicked way to explore the Island seeing temples, elephants, gorgeous viewpoints and beaches. Although a little scary at times as it was quite mountainous and our little moped struggled to get up, but Bec C was on hand to steer the way.

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Hi Coral CoveHi Coral Cove
Hi Coral Cove

Koh Samui
Teams BecsTeams Becs
Teams Becs

Kayaking at Koh Phangan
Lamai BeachLamai Beach
Lamai Beach

Koh Samui

21st October 2007

Sounds like you both had a lot of fun on the moped. Hope the other people on the road knew what you were like!!! The weather's turned freezing here, so make the most of that lovely sunshine.
27th October 2007

Where are you at Christmas?
Wow, some fantastic places. Great to see you enjoying yourselves. Keep up with the blogs. See you next year.....

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