Excitement Builds

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September 26th 2005
Published: September 25th 2005
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The Busters 86The Busters 86The Busters 86

Mastering Italian and Living La Vida Loca in Florence


Yes, the excitement is building as the Buster clock ticks over to 75 days and counting. Still no confirmation from Tez re: his purchase of a ticket but I'm sure there's nothing to worry about. Plenty of comments on the last blog - some helpful, some less so - but it is clear that the Buster subscribers are loving the info, the updates and, most of all, the pictures. It is the fans, after all, to which we dedicate this upcoming journey. BC G8 D should be heading off at any time now and we wish him all the best on his journey to NYC. Hope he has the ability to access this site while away so he has something to do while staying in Manhattan. Woodsee - all I can say is keep travelling. R & V - let the photos speak for themselves.

Don't get upset guys. I just need a little time alone. I'll make my way to Beijing and see you in about three weeks. If it makes you feel safer you two should travel together.

F. Leggett, leaving the Busters in Bangkok and heading for Hong Kong, 1986

Additional photos below
Photos: 4, Displayed: 4


G1 & G10G1 & G10
G1 & G10

Did someone say pretentious wankers???

Weight loss schedule can be spotted stuck to fridge in the background.
2 Lonely G1s2 Lonely G1s
2 Lonely G1s

"...can't wait to meet up with FSL in Beijing, Joe." "I know, Tez, I'm just checking the calendar now."

25th September 2005

il busto
Hey lower graders! Can this blog get any better or what? I almost feel like I'm heading off with the G1s - but of course then I realise that's just the wishful thinking of a middle aged, middle-rung buster having ideas above his station. Still, this is the next best thing. Another fine bunch of archival photos. Rob being twice the woman she used to be (so much more to love!). V succumbing once again to the pelvic thrust dance move. And as for that pic of Joe "studying" in what appears to be his underwear, all I can say is scusi, puo indicarmi la strada per ma pantelloni? (Oh sorry, for non Italian speakers - "excuse me, can you show me the way to my pants?") BC G8 D
25th September 2005

Oh ha de ha Frankie! Woodseee could I please get the gnomsters email address from you, I need to ask her advice re swimming lessons for my baby- thanks
26th September 2005

Thank God
What a relief that this facinating travel blog can keep going now all 3 G1 busters are able to make the holiday sorry I mean adventure. I'm with B.C G8 it doesn't get much better than this. Have fun in NY Barry and please keep blogging for all our sakes. I will certainly being trying find internet cafes in Shanghai to keep in the loop. ATB VL
26th September 2005

Now Rob, I'm amazed one of the G1s hasn't already reprimanded you, but please don't use this very serious historical resource as a community bulletin board regarding swimming lessons for your offspring. This is poetry and art and adventure for Hammersmith's Sake! Break down the (unrestored section of) the barriers! Don't dog paddle down the shallow end, Rob! Dive head first into the deeper waters of the unknown! Come on, you know you want to... BC "G8" D

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