Strawberry Goggles

Published: October 5th 2007
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Takua Pa Hospital

The edges of my vision are frosted white with rivers of strawberry red seeping over the lines of my vision. The blades of grass with razored edges stab my bones each time I try to move…or think about moving.

The fever started with the sore skin and ache in my chest. I ignored it mostly. I don’t have time to be sick…Miles is with me.

The morning after the fever started I couldn’t stand up at first. My legs had leaked the bones and my flesh felt puddled around ankles that I couldn’t locate with the numbness in my hands.

I still tried to ignore it. The fever got worse and I finally had to lay down in the afternoon. Tylenol 3 stopped the pain that ate my skin and drilled my bones, but only enough to let me crawl to the bathroom.

When I couldn’t orient up from down anymore, I asked to go to the hospital.

The ward is green. All hospitals are green at first…or that was the impression I had when I struggled my eyes open.

I could hear things…gurgles, wimpers, scraping metal beds on the tile, and shuffling bare feet. The woman next to me is emaciated. When I manage to roll my self in her direction, I stare at her skin hanging off her bones, her sarong open and her breasts withered and sucking at her ribcage. She doesn’t turn away….

I can feel the glassiness of my eyes, the slippery colors that slide into my sockets like gasoline in a parking lot puddle.

The light is too bright. The brassy glare penetrates my morphined brain and screams its defiance at the attempts I make to quietly tell myself I’m okay.

I’m scared. It’s too easy to just let my body sleep…let the pain go deeper into my bones. The only thing left to fight is the itch that infects my pores from the morphine.

- - - - - -
Dengue fever is a painful sickness. It messes with your brain and eats your bones. The only treatment is Paracetamol and rest.


6th October 2007

Hang In There
Hi Stephanie... Dengue Fever. Caution. Take care and get better, an understatement, me thinks. Also, the trip to the Ban Dada Orphanage, as you noted in an earlier Blog, could be a "mine field" with the polticial unrest in the bordering area. Think twice. Act once. In closing, did Miles win anything on the "slots"?

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