All packed & ready to go

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September 23rd 2007
Published: September 23rd 2007
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Hi everyone.........well the butterflies are really fluttering in my tummy now!!

I've finally finished packing my bags and I'm all set to go, now I just have to wait, and most of you will know that I can be quite impatient when I'm waiting too long !

I've got 2 more days at work and I'm not sure how I'm going to concentrate because my mind keeps wandering to some far off place.

4 more sleeps and then take off time.........................................!!!!!!

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24th September 2007

may this one asywhat Your itnery is?
27th September 2007

Hi Di, well by now you are up,up and away!! I bet that those butterflies are still excitedly fluttering away :-). I can't wait to hear what you get up to on your travels... take heaps of photos for me! Just remember 2 things while your gone; 1. be safe and 2. have an absolutly fantastic time!! love Barb
28th September 2007

Thanks Barb !
Thanks Barb, I am indeed off and away now. Landed in Bangkok - boy is it hot!! take care Di xxxx

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