Spectacular India

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Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur
September 19th 2007
Published: October 3rd 2007
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Summing up India...not an easy task. India was nothing like we could have ever imagined, totally different, crazy. Everything from having no road rules, cows just roaming the street freely, floods after every bout of rain, stray dogs (they looked painfully thin bless them), sewage running through the streets and that wretched smell that goes with the urinals in the streets. Thats not to mention the constant spitting, seriously gross (rather than dodge chewing gum you dodge spit) and the constant hassle you get to buy something. Ok so they're just trying to make living but when they purposely follow you after you've said 'thank you but no' for the twentieth time, im suprised we were'nt up for murder charges. Having said that the haggling is fun.

Despite some of the downsides to India it is spectacular. It has so much diversity, so many different religions and consequently many kinds of temples and mosques making it incredibly rich in culture. The architecture of some the buildings is immence and the food is great, cheap as chips. We especially loved Indian tea, its fantastic even becs s has become a tea lover. We admired how proud the people were and how they loved their culture. Most of the people were great although a lot can be said of some of the men. It seems some of the men believe that as we are foreign they can treat us as they wish and although we have experienced that kind of thing in our own country, we found it to be more offensive here as they would never treat an Indian girl with the same disrespect.

We found that the north is a lot more intense than the south who seem to be far more relaxed. That said the north has a lot more culture and feels like the 'real' India whereas the south is more developed and westernised. The hardest thing to see in India was the poverty. Everywhere we went there was begging. Although it is gut wrenching, if we gave a piece of hearts to every poor person, we would be left heartbroken and if we gave money to every poor person, we would be coming home after India. Whats most crazy is how a beautiful temple can sit in the middle of slums. It appears that people are more concerned about the after life and getting there than they are of finding their next meal.

India is an amazingly bizarre place and one we have been fortunate to visit and will hopefully visit again.

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Directions anyone?Directions anyone?
Directions anyone?

Becs C in her map, just like Joey!! (from Friends for those of you who havn't lived)

4th October 2007

Wish I was There
Hi girls just read your blog I am so jealous I wish I had not suggested India . Mum and myself wanted to tell you about it ! It sounds and looks everything I thought it would be . Speak soon

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