14 sleeps to go!

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September 13th 2007
Published: September 13th 2007
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Little MissLittle MissLittle Miss

A computer wizz already!
Well, I have booked the last of my hotels and tours and am all set - I just have to get on that plane. Yay yay yay!!!

I will organise my luggage on the weekend, and will most likely have to take out a lot because I'm sure that I've packed way too much.

I am sooooooooo looking forward to my adventure that sometimes I think I could burst at the seams. 😊 😊 😊

My "little miss" Kayla will come and spend the weekend with me tomorrow, and that will be the last time I'll see her for 6 weeks - that will be so hard. 😞 😞

She can already use the computer, so hopefully her dad or one of her uncles will show her my webpage. 😊

The countdown is really on now,mum tells me that I'm worse than my niece Kymberley when she was counting down to her 18th birthday ! Well mum, "the kid inside us never really goes away !" I just hope it doesn't go too quickly while I am travelling.

Catch ya all soon


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"Where are you Ama, what are you doing Ama?"

20th September 2007

Way to go Diane
Hi Diane, just back from our trip and looking forward to hearing all about yours will be awaiting with bated breath for your installments and wish I was going with you have fun dear friend
25th September 2007

Hi Sharron & Alan
Hi guys, glad to hear that you enjoyed the wildflowers in WA, driving around in your motorhome - lucky buggers!! Take care love Di xxx

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