Day 6

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September 7th 2007
Published: September 12th 2007
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Today, again hadn't really made any plans to meet up with the girls so took it a bit easier in the morning, then headed off tp the Apple store to use and abuse their free internet for 'browsers' to have a quick look at my emails - not that there were many - you're all as useless as I am!! :o) After finding out on the internet (as my guide book isn't really detailed enough) where the flat iron building was I headed out int hat direction, stopping off at Tiffany's on the way (some pretty serious bling!!). The Flat Iron was amazing, much more impressive than I expected and alot bigger too. It's cool. From there I caught the subway to Brooklyn bridge and made my way across. That was absolutely amazing, although I did feel a bit queer walking across it with all the traffic going underneath - I made the mistake of looking down through the slats in the wooden walkway!!

As it wasn't too far to walk from the bridge I made my way over to the staten island ferry where I met Fran, Amy and Jess and 2 of their other friends from Camp. We didn't leave the terminal at the other end this time, but it was so humid that it was good to get a bit of a breeze. Once we were back on dry land Amy took us to 'the village' and we had a look around the boutiquey shops, including a vintage clothes shop, which was run by a woman who looked to be on steroids - scary!!! then stopped off at whole foods to get something to eat as I think we were all on the verge of collasping!! We then all trooped over to Amy's Dad's apartment, just around the corner from Grand Central Station - A-Mazing!! It was so nice!! A proper nice NY apartment, with a doorman and everything!! Up there we played on Amy's new Nintendo Wii, watched the tennis, and ordered take out sushi!! So cool, and so nice to have a comfy house to relax in! I stayed there while they all got ready to go out (to a male strip club, which I decided to refrain from going to! Sounded awful to me, but ne mind!). Anyway, I headed back to the hostel, had a shower and then went back out to times square where I'd arranged to meet Fran and Amy, after they'd been to the strip club, to see hairspray at the cinema. They said the club was awful, really creepy - and VERY expensive as they apparently had to pay $18 (after already paying $20 for their tickets) for 2 drinks before they were allowed in!! Hairspray was amazing though, really good fun!! All in all, a good day!! x


12th September 2007

missing you
hi bex sounds like your having a fab time in NY really jealous but sounds like your donjg an awful lot of walking. i have emailed you missing you loads lots of love from us all xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx

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