
Published: September 10th 2007
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Some people say I create chaos around me everywhere I go…I don’t deny this. I actually LIKE those about me. It keeps things interesting. So far the chaos that has followed me has included my flight itinerary being wrong and boarding a flight that wasn’t mine, landing in Japan during a Typhoon, (see pictures) and having Miles nearly end up in the hotel fountain…so far this trip is off to a good start!

We are waiting for our connector to Phuket and from there will make our way up the peninsula to Phang Nga. We should be settled soon.

I hope to get the motocyc by tonight and be able to plan for the journey to the orphanage tomorrow. Can’t wait! So we are all safe and sound, having no troubles with the heat this time around and looking forward to seeing everyone really soon.

Love to you all, miss you already!

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11th September 2007

GOOD LUCK from England
Hi Steph, Marin and Miles Good to see the blog again, never a dull moment eh? I just got back from Azerbaijan and thought that was bad enough! you certainly lead an exciting life. I await the next edition Love Phil+Sandy

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