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September 5th 2007
Published: September 5th 2007
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New routes for this trip!

Ready set.....or about as "set" as we can be!

We are heading to the airport in a few minutes after overnighting in Vancouver with Gramma D. The kids are getting thier last fix of english cartoons, powdered eggs and hotel hospitality before plunging again into the sense-filled world of our wonderful life overseas.

A few last minute pictures and love and hugs to each one of you. We miss you already!

Marrin: I can't wait to find shells on the beach.

Miles: I love the plane ride.....and I can't wait to swim in Sang's pool!

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6th September 2007

As promised Marrin, I will add a comment to all your blogs. It was so great for me to be with you all last night, the night before your trip, and to take you to the airport today. I love you all lots and can't wait to hear all about your new adventures. You can bet I will miss you but I know you will have tons of fun. Love and Kisses

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