Icy in Iceland

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Europe » Iceland
August 30th 2007
Published: September 5th 2007
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A week in Iceland, check. Our pocketboots are feeling a bit disheveled, but all in all, it was a lunar experience.

Ana connected with her Scandanavian roots, surrounded by toehead blond Icebabes, you could imagine the Vikings ravaging the island, rampaging on the rocks, as you were stripped of your $$$! Being on the edge of 2 massive plates, seeing earth boil up through the cracks, watching geysers gushing into the air spewing steamy waterfall spurts, the lunar landscape is awe-inspiring. We were told Iceland is green and Greenland is ice...so we thought the late summer in Iceland would be not too cold. Our meticulous packing was quickly tested for warmth & dryness, and barely passed.

Our first stop was in the Akureyri and the Lake Myvatan areas in the north. Grassy pseudocraters along the lakes edge were formed from explosions of steam as the red hot lava hit the cold water. Next came the hot-spot areas around the Krafla and Namafjall areas. The ubiquitous smell of sulfur in the air, yellow/orange/black/grey earth and torquiose blue water, steam blowing out of mini-volcanoes, bubbling mud pots, and the lack of any green life made it seem as we had traveled back in time to when the earth was just big gaseous primordial soup. We then hiked through a shiny black lava field. It was a bit like the earth in its awkward teenage years...plaugued with pimples, built up pressure, and dark fields of depression. That night, after our 60 dollar soup and bread and 12 dollar beers, we headed to the Myvatan nature baths were we dipped in the geothermally heated natural blue. The water was an electric blue (from all the silica I think), and had spot so hot that we felt as if were were a frog being dropped the boiling pot of water. Along with the ice cold wind on our faces, and the late night sun, it was all a perfect ending to day of observing the earth where the crust is thin and the possibility of a volcanic eruption could occur at any moment.

The next day we drove up to the small fishing town of Husavik to go whale watching. As it was the end of the season, we only saw two species...the pilot whale and the milky whale. Both were kinda exciting, but both dave and I couldn't but help to laugh at the ship full of tourists, looking out around the edge of a boat in almost freezing cold rainy weather, to get a quick glimpse of what simply looked like a big dolphin. They served us nice cinnamon rolls and hot cocoa on the way home, which made the whole thing well worth it.

We traveled back to Reykjavik the next day, stopping at the beautiful Gullfoss waterfall and Geysir.

Back in Reykjavik, we decided to spend Saturday night doing the famous "runter", which is basically a slow bar crawl through the streets, getting as drunk as possible, and spending enough money to support a small village in Africa for a month. To save on costs, we did as the locals, and bought a flask of whiskey at the liquor store to take swigs off of in between bars. Dave ran into his old friend Jordan, who is in the band Antibalas, an amazing Brooklyn band that happened to be headlining the Reykjavik Jazz Festival that night. He got us into the show at a cool venue called NASA. We danced into the night to great music inspired by Fela Kuti, and continued to drink and drink. Jordan got us into the after-party upstairs where we talked to local Icelandic peeps about living and what makes Iceland so darn cool. After eating a gooey piece of pizza with hopes that it would absorb some of the alcohol in our poor little stomachs, we crawled back to our guesthouse at around 5:30 as the sun was just coming up. The all night light we had read about was already past. We slept till 3 oclock the next day, visited the strange Saga Museum, and ate deliciously expensive Indian food before our last nights sleep in Iceland.

Iceland is cold. and not so green.

Additional photos below
Photos: 20, Displayed: 20


5th September 2007

I loved my vicarious trip to Iceland. the photos are great!! Thanks. Look forward to your next entry. G.
5th September 2007

Travelling for me...
So cool you Guys! I feel like I am/wish I was there! Great blog! LOVE YOU!
7th September 2007

did you change your name...
to Gerty?
10th September 2007

ahh iceland, how cool and ungreen !
i live in australia and my family all lives in holland and my uncle lives in iceland, one day before he drops off the planet and particularly iceland , id like to visit him and iceland which ive always been facinated with. my uncle is a priest and he speaks 16 languages , i speak only a measly one, how sad and illiterate compared to icelandic standards,... never mind maybe one day when my measly $12 an hour wages that i can barely pay the rent improveth , i may be able to save up for a trip in the year 2040 in the meantime it gives me great pleasure viewing your sight and absorbing the details of your trip , which is well written and funny.
16th September 2007

wish I was with U
Your experiences, so far sound incredible! Your writing is so descriptive; I love your metaphors and similes. What an experience! According to your itieniary, you should have visited Amsterdam, France and are on the way to Switzerland. 'Can't wait for your next 'Blog'. I love you. Momma
25th September 2007

love your blog guys, drink lots of beer for me!!!
Hey, cool stuff, take lots of pictures and when you find a great beer out there make sure to have one for me, or two and cheers, love, and light! miss you guys all the best and god-speed!!!! love joe
14th October 2007

Nice one
Looks very cool and cold, Nice to see your smiling faces, All the travle I've been dreaming of and no boat building. What a concept. Keep on keepin' on send more pics. Love you to the moon and back Michael
19th October 2007

looking good
Great Pics!! It was a little suprising how not green everything was. Maybe it would have been different earlier in the summer?

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