Buster Facts

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September 16th 2005
Published: October 8th 2005
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86 days to departure and things are coming together nicely, Joe and Frank have booked their tickets and Tez is sure to confirm at any moment. Angkor Wat is beckoning and we are determined to stand on her mighty ramparts, look manfully into the distance and wait for the self timer to flash. Joe has been a bit concerned about a series of reports on Cambodia airing on SBS. They basically state that tourism is destroying Angkor Wat. It seems there are too many people trudging around this ancient temple. But, then again, as Joe pointed out - what about the unrestored section?


There has been a great response to our first blog and we particularly enjoyed B.C. (G8) Divola's comment. Keep 'em coming fella! There has also been a bit of confusion amongst the lower ranks about who is who in The Busters!! To avoid further confusion -

More updates to follow so stay tuned Buster fans!

Where it's pumping, Wilson's Busting

J.L. Wilson 1988

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16th September 2005

Message for "Mixture Spice": Mate, I assume that as this is to be an accurate re-enactment of ’86, you will be cultivating the "please direct me to the Bangkok Hilton" mullet well before take-off. Always happy to be of assistance in your travel plans, I remain humbly yours, B.C. G8 D.
19th September 2005

My computer crashed when these photos opened!!! Terry - funny; Joe and Frank just plain scary. ATB VL
21st September 2005

Oh My- what next- actually can the next installment have a picture of Joe's growing derriere- I seem to remember there was one in his Blue Board shorts-

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