travel through the alps...

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September 15th 2005
Published: September 15th 2005
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Well now that charlie has joined our convoy... everyone must go and read his blog cause it has loads more fotos and info.... im just lazy... 😉
foto entry.....

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..typical venice foto...

..the romance city... loads of honeymonners and propositions...

..mushies in national park where we went caving!!!! it was lovely...

..mmnature in national park
cave slovenia...cave slovenia...
cave slovenia...

..cave entrance in mmnature in national park
soca riversoca river
soca river

..really blue beautiful river.. ash is fishing and im reading..
us...ahh together again,.,.us...ahh together again,.,.
us...ahh together again,.,.

..charlie joined us in Bled, slovenia
ash and the chzash and the chz
ash and the chz

..charlie and ash playing music by the river in austria

..driving through austria
very austriavery austria
very austria

apparently there are no kangaroos in austria......just loads of log cabins..

15th September 2005

It's all very well telling us to look at Charlie's blog - but having never met charlie and being not the most airtight condom in the packet - how do we find the blog in question. Looks like you are having fun! Love to all. Unc.
18th September 2005

hey guys i found the site
oh me god- what a fantastic trip - complete with dramas and all - soooo jealous - bloody uni - who needs it. ok quik update-jaiden is still with kerry and as far as i know still getting married...hehehe her parents loved him - goes without saying!!!! had a curry and wine nite last w/end-v. messy but had a ball - you woulda loved it-so glad that chazlie has caught up with and give some much needed kisses to agnes for me - kombis are the bomb.

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