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September 9th 2005
Published: September 9th 2005
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...tastes like chicken, but looks like a tiny hand begging for mercy. A bit disturbing! Had it yesterday at the beergarden, my second home. Came home just in time for curfew again, I think they recognize me for that soon. But the thing is that if I am back at twelve and get up att eight, I get the sleep I need anyway.

I tried out the gym as well, was ok. The chinese instructor really scared me at first becuase he is short, but those muscles...brrr
Anyway, asked him for a program or some introduction but he didn't speak chinese so he gave me to weights and told me to eat healthy. sigh, great service!

Got my studentcard as well, it looks like a minature passport with my chinese name in it. When I got to my adviser to get it (the guy who did mine and about 200 other persons registration) he knew my name...a bit scary! Is my name that odd? But he was nice and I met another guy from Sweden who helped me with some translations.

Dan, Tong and Tonsun didn't show up for lunch today, turned out that they went out getting pissed and came back at four oclock. Dan made it to school somehow but was still drunk getting there...I guess my drinking is not that bad!

So about the beer:
At the beergarden we drink budweiser for 50cent. You can get it cheaper if you drink the localbeer in a bottle. The bottles containes 620ml and cost about 30cent. The most famous ones are beijing beer and Tsingtao. Tsingtao is actually a german beer from when they held a part of China. The chinese kept the recipy, but it is hard to find real tsingtao since the chinese make copies of EVERYTHING and they don't taste as good. The budweiser tastes good, but the others are a bot weak.

Dons, glad you're enjoying my blog. Send me your email and I'll write you. I can't say I am an expert though since I only just got here, and I don't have a clue what I am doing. But if I can be of any help I'll try!


9th September 2005

That's amazing, I wish English beer was that cheap!

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