second day

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September 7th 2005
Published: September 7th 2005
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Had my second day of classes today. Was ok, except that I didn't sleep enough because I met my friends too late in the evening again and then I watched some weird movie when I got back at midnight.

Today we had only one teacher, don't know it it was suppose to be so or not since I can't read the timetable... I have so much to learn until tomorrow though, since they always check that we've done it and I need to practice alot to get it right. I am going to the gym tonight so I have to study late.

I met a guy from Sweden too, was nice to speak a bit of swedish for the first time, his family is chinese though so he speaks cantonese fluently. But he is in my class so I'll see him around alot more.

Ate at a muslim restaurant today. It was really nice but I'm not that good at deboning fish with chopsticks...


9th September 2005

I just read the last severl days of your adventure. You make me laugh. I'm interviewing with Microsoft for a job in Beijing. I want to learn about the culture and language. Any hints? I'm especially interested in things I could do that would insult or offend someone. Basically, the "stay away from doing this" list. If you want, I'll give you my email address so we could talk off your blog. Thanks ... dons

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