Lost in Translation.

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Europe » France » Pays-de-la-Loire » Angers
July 14th 2007
Published: July 14th 2007
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Well, it's Bastille Day. You would think that everyone would be out celebrating tonight however I think the entire city, including myself, outdid ourselves last night. Last night, the entire city of Angers and people from surrounding cities met at the castle to watch fireworks. Let me tell you, those fireworks were the most magnificent fireworks I've ever seen. They even lit the castle on fire with them as part of the show. Fire was raining down the sides of the castle with all sorts of different colors. What I thought was interesting was that everyone, thousands and thousands of people, were stunned into silence. No one talked, we just watched. They had music that went along with the show; songs like "Roxanne" from Moulin Rouge and also "Highway to Hell" if you can believe that. They threw in a little classical opera too. Absolutely amazing...perfect weather and all. After the fireworks show, a huge group of students walked 40 minutes to a discotheque outside of downtown. Now that was an experience of a lifetime. LEt me just say that I probably lost 30 pounds dancing until the wee hours of the morning...until 4:30am! It was so much fun! I even convinced some French guy that I was from Paris...which is why I had a different accent. So sneaky like that. He eventually found out I was from Texas and was that much more entertained. The walk home took about an hour...I woke up late today and am still sore. TOday was really nice because I uploaded pictures and really didn't do much of anything but sleep and talk. We had the most fabulous French dinner tonight. Our teacher from TCU took us to a restaurant in downtown Angers called La Ferme. I have to say that going out to eat when I get home is going to be a constant let down. You can't really beat eating dinner outside under a lighted tent looking at the cathedral. We had wine made in Angers, a rose wine that was delicious. I love that meals are an event here. Dinner took 3 hours and it was magnificent. I wish people back hole could slow down to enjoy the little things, like dinner out, more often. It seems like we're always in a rush to do solething...even if it's to get home to watch TV. I haven't been able to watch TV once since I've been here...I'm still alive, you should try a week without it. BAck to dinner...the dinner began with bread of course and wine. First course: smoked salmon and creme fraiche. Entree: Coq au Vin, chicken marinated in red wine with potatoes. Then we had cheese and salad: Camembert, Goat cheese, and one other. Dessert: an almond caked with dark chocolate sauce on top. Perfect. It was one of the best meals I've had here. I think now, I'm going to open my window and read for a while...no dancing for me tonight, I can barely move! I'm getting used to the slower pace here. I really think I'll be culture shocked when I get back home! This week I'm interviewing a few journalists in Angers for a project...yes, I'm interviewing them in French. Tres bien, non? That should be interesting. Tomorrow morning, I'm heading to see some of the castles of the Loire valley. Missing home as usual, and all my loved ones there. Hope this finds you well!

Bisous (kisses),


16th July 2007

Hey Sone - sounds like you are having a fabulous time. We love you and miss you tons! Can't wait to see all your pictures and hear all the stories of your adventures!.Love you - prends garde!

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