I made it safely!!!

Published: July 10th 2007
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What a day, how surreal, you will have to excuse my spelling it is 2320 local time (0621) UK time so you will just be getting up!!!! i've now been up 25 1/2 hours.
Since finishing school on friday life has not yet calmed down at all. A great night out wih friends from school, Saturday was spent buying a few essentials, Sat. night in London with little sis and friends. Sunday more shopping then packing then chilling...
Monday i woke up a little confused, what no school to go to! I was quite confused and i think it dawned on me i was off to Costa Rica.
The journey was pretty uneventful, just long, tiring and sweaty. Nice.
So here I am sat in the internet booth of a backpacking hostel in Costa Rica surrounded by Brits!!!
Well i've got to go we've got a 2 hour drive in the morning to field base leaving here at 0700 with the country director for Raleigh so better not be late.
Regards to you all. Thank you for the send off I really appreciated it and i'm missing every single one of you already. Especially 4T, keep smiling and be very nice to Miss Brooks. Will be in touch soon.


10th July 2007

I booked my flights!
I hope you had a good day. I booked my flights at long last! I fly out on 9th August...a little earlier than I was going to, but I decided I would be getting impatient so might as well go early! Flying back on the same flights as you hopefully...departing at 9am from Costa Rica on 15th December....seems a long way off! Speak soon, Debbie xx

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