Kili Attempt in 2 Days!

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July 7th 2007
Published: July 7th 2007
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Mambo. Habari? My last few weeks of volunteer work went really well and it was hard to say goodbye on my last day. We had a party for the kids at the day care with music and games. I will post some pictures of toddlers scoffing muffins and crisps shortly!

Hayley and I went to Zanzibar a couple of weeks ago. We decided to go the long scenic route which involved 10 hours on a coach to Dar Es Salaam, followed by a flea pit hostel stopover in the city, and a two hour ferry crossing from Dar to Stone Town, (Zanzibar) the next morning. Zanzibar is all it is cracked up to be in terms of turquoise waters lapping against endless white sandy shores, but there are not many sites of interest to visit. We had a nice time relaxing on the beach (with massages at sunset!), and went to a full moon party on the beach on our last night.

Last week, three of us went on safari to the Serengeti. We camped out for three nights in the middle of the great plains, and were woken by the roars of lions (and the strange barking like noise of zebras) several times. It was fun, apart from the toilet situation. Imagine a hole in the ground in a shed inhabited by hornets, giant spiders, rats etc. It was not pleasant smelling either. The Serengeti was an amazing place to visit and we saw some beautiful sunsets and sunrises as well as lions, elephants, zebra etc. I personnally was more impressed by the dramatic landscapes than the animals. We amused several other safari goers with our choice of music. One of the other girls I was with (Susie USA) insisted on playing The Lion King soundtrack at certain appropriate moments, so we had Elton John's "Circle of Life" when a herd of zebra and wildebeest ran along the plains, and at sunrise!

I returned from safari yesterday and was glad of a shower after 4 days of camping.

My big news is that I am going to make my Kili attempt in two days time, 9 July. I am going with a couple of girls from another volunteer organisation called Work the World. We are taking the more difficult Machame Route, which involves 7 nights camping. Another of my volunteer friends summited a couple of days ago using this route and he said that it was more mentally challening than anything. He did suffer altitude sickness, but not enough to make him quit. I am starting to get really nervous, but I am not leaving the mountain unless they have to evacuate me for medical reasons! I am due to complete my climb on 16 July, so I will let you know how it goes. Wish me luck!

P.S. You will have to wait a couple of weeks for my Zanzibar and Serengeti pictures as I haven't burned them onto disc yet.

I hope you are all keeping well and that the recent floods have subsided.

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19th July 2007

Hearts of Kenya
Need I say more? Good times on safari!

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