First day

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August 27th 2005
Published: August 27th 2005
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I'm sitting in my room now and I have borrowed my roommates computer with internet. Don't know for how long she will let me do that though!

My flight went ok, they kept me awake most of the night serving things though which was rather annoying. So I just slept for three hours or something. When I arrived I was met by three small chinese girls and two of them were very excited since they hadn't picked up anyone before.... they answered different things every time I asked a question but they were very nice at least. After waiting for another plane and driving some americans to a hotel, they actuallt did get me checked in to my dorm and even showing me the room.

The room is...ehh...well at least a room. Not very clean though at all but as my roommate says "you can't expect more, they're chinese". The weird part is that it's not up to us to clean, the staff actually comes in here every morning changing the rubbish bins and does a fake cleaning. We also have a thermos with hot water that they change every day. And they change sheets once a week. very odd.

My roommate is from indonesia and speaks fluently chinese. She took me out eating yesterday and shopping. A real lifsaver!! I can't seperate detergent from yoghurt in the store, that's how lost I am!

Today I'll try do explore the campus a bit, but everthing is so different so I don't understand what I'm seeing really. It's scary, but I try to take one day at a time and on monday Ill get some more info so I just have to survive until then.


30th August 2005

I don't like what he said , "you can't expect more, they're chinese" it should be"you can't expect more, you are pool" if you have enough money you can find a good hotal but may be 1000$ one night.

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