Last Day In London

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June 23rd 2007
Published: June 23rd 2007
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The changing of the horse guards was at eleven so we got up and hustled down to watch that this morning. I got a video of it; I hope it works when I try to put it on here. Basically it’s a bunch of military men on horses who switch places. I don’t really know, I was kind of confused. But my mom was thrilled so it must have been important. Whatever it was, it looked cool.
We ate at this really stressful restaurant where all the waiters had had way too much coffee and then went underground to look at the war rooms. During World War 2 when London was being bombed, the Prime Minister and other people hid out under there for protection. The exhibit would have been cool if it wasn’t so confusing! You had a telephone-like device where you plugged in the numbers on the wall to listen to what the display was about then it would lead you on to the next one. Theoretically that sounds like it would work but it really doesn’t. All four of us got separated and I ended up going the completely wrong direction, missing the entire second half of displays. We were pretty much ready to leave after that.
It rained hard this evening while we tried to find a pizza place down the street from our apartment but at least the pizza was good! Then we got kicked out of a Starbucks so we just decided to go back to the apartment. Quite a day.

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26th June 2007

SWeeet last day! :) :)
Raglands, Wow, sounds like a fun day. I have a did you guys get kicked out of a starbucks?! haha, sounds like an interesting story :) Buckingham Palace looks so cool! The restaurant sounds kinda stressful but cool at the same time. The war rooms sound kinda cool too. Emma and Caroline, you too look so cute and pretty in front of the is a pretty picture :) Miss you all, have fun in Scotland :) :) Love you all

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