damm ppl who steal womens undies!!

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Europe » Italy » Lazio » Rome
August 23rd 2005
Published: August 23rd 2005
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well, now i have less possesions i wont get a sore back!! will i?.. both vans were broken into ...the boob got a window smashed and most of their locks stuffed up with a crowbar... but they couldntget into the back cause its a commercial vehical wif dead locks,,,, only took some of clairs bras!!1.. then they took out the backdoor lock of agnes and grabbed all three of the girls packs and day bags...they went through ashes bag... but we think it must of smelt real bad cause only his guitar and camera was taken!!!!! they didnt even take anything of value!!.. it was really weird!!.-...
luckly us girls like to spread our stuff everywhere!!--- so we still have stuff like passports and our dirty washing and toilett bags!!..
just need to get a home-less bag to throw my remaining shit into---
anyways.. still in rome in a camp site!!..
lotsof lovealaya


23rd August 2005

looking forward to seeing you ,
dear Alaya, we are to be away throughout September so October sometime would by just great for a visit. Do you know if Jono is likely to get here? lots of Love, grumps
23rd August 2005

does that mean you've had TWO cameras stolen since you've been travelling ash? fark! Hope everything is OK- as long as you have your vital organs (including your passport). Just treat it as a liberating experience! No Baggage! :P As John Lennon once sang "Imagine no possessions, no religion too!" :) in england now- hurry up and come back so we can jam. thinkin of goin to spain, but no $$ so mabye job 1st. will send email. love charlie
23rd August 2005

Hi Guys
Glad you had a good laugh about the situation only way of accepting it in the end. Shame about the camera, but for once its great to hear that you had stuff spread everywhere!!!! Carry on enjoying and hope that the "boob" and "agnes" are "On the Road Again" sounds like a song to me. Bye guys love from us in Lesmurdie.
27th August 2005

Yo Foolz! Did you get my email? I wanna know what your movements are, so i can try n join in on em! Been driving round Gloucestershire with Benny all day (by the way, where's my luggage?) Back in Oxford @ the mo- nothin much here- need job, need friends! I miss you guys!! xx

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