It's time to part

Published: June 16th 2007
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So, we've been in Zamorano since Wednesday. I couldn't pick that from the drop down menu of cities that I could chose's pretty small and it's mostly an agriculture school with a little town around it. The campus is actually its own self sufficient little town with homes, a pool, a church, a bank, a clinic, a grocery store and all the areas of study for the students and the professors. This is where my parents worked after they were done with Peace Corp. They were both teachers here. It's been pretty amazing to meet some of the people from back then that are still around. I remembered a few people and I surprised everyone since the last time I saw them was when I was 5 years old. It was pretty cool to hear stories about my parents that I've never heard before.

This place is pretty much paradise. The Meyer's have been very cool to let us stay in their beautiful home. We ate a few traditional Honduran dishes: yucca con chicharrones where you take boiled yucca and make a bed out of it on your plate, you place some chicharrones on top covered in a pico-coleslaw type salad and salsa...and of course some cheese. We also had honduran enchiladas where they are layered almost like a chalupa rather than rolled, and carna asada. That was awesome! We had pinchos last night before we checked out a band that Danny was friends with. Those are kabobs. yum!

We also went to a little down right outside of Teguc called Valle de Angeles. It's way up in the mountains and it's a very pretty little town. We shopped and shopped. We bought so many things. I'm glad my mom brought a huge suitcase for this exact reason. I'm pretty lucky that she's taking it all back with her and I don't have to carry it around everywhere.

We are about to head back to Teguc. I have a bus to Ceiba leaving around 1:30 and the rest of the family is flying back to the States this afternoon. I'm getting flutterbies in my stomach just thinking about it. I'm nervous but very excited as well. We'll see what the next leg of my journey has in store for me.

I hope everyone is doing well!

I love you Chance!


18th June 2007

Hey There!
Teresa - I am so glad you are having a great time! That is crazy that some of the same people are has been, what, 27 years?? I'm so glad you have access to a computer so you can keep us posted as to what is going on with you! I do miss you! Thank you again for my birthday present! I did find those chunky red coral beads I was looking for! :-) I hope you continue to stay safe, that you stay well, and that you have a wonderful experience! Keep the blogs coming!!

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