Yay computer!!

June 16th 2007
Published: June 16th 2007
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It works! I'm so excited. After much nagging of the people at the reception desk in our hotel, they finally sent someone to fix our computer this afternoon. And, he had to replace the computer, proving that we are not idiots who don't know what a broken computer looks like, as the staff previously thought.

So, we feel pretty, thanks to the manicurists at the salon down the street from our hotel. That's right, it was spa day today!! We spent about two hours there this morning, where I got a manicure/pedicure, and Robyn a manicure, and we both got 'nail art'. They do the coolest nail art here! It looks like what you'd get airbrushed on to acrylic nails at home, except they hand-painted on to our real nails! It's so exciting, I really hope that it lasts 'til we get home so I can show you! And all for the low low price of $15 for me and $7 for Robyn.

This afternoon we went to a water puppet show, which was soooo funny that we had to really work at not laughing. It was almost all in Vietnamese, of course, but there was lots of music that helped to follow along with the emotion of the 'story' (although I'm not sure there was a story so much as a glomming together of activity). Basically, they put painted plastic (wood?) figures (animals, people, boats) on sticks and wave them around to music from behind a screen. It was kind of cool, though, to see all the work that must go in to it. And don't worry, we got some video and pics of the highlights, so you can experience it all from the comfort of your own home when we get back 😊.

Tonight, we're going to what is apparently a famous night market, where vendors set up tables in the middle of the street on weekend nights to sell their stuff. Hoping to find something different and cool... Only 3 more days in Hanoi, so we need to start wrapping things up and making sure we've done all we want!!

No rain today, which was exciting. And, Robyn tried bubble tea - very adventurous - and managed to finish it, which was also exciting.

That's all for now...

Love Bethany & Robyn


18th June 2007

Long time no talk....
What exactly is bubble tea? And was it any good? Sorry it has been so long, I decided to move last week. Don't ask, it's a long story and much less interesting than your trip. I can't wait to hook up with you for coffee when you get back, it'd be nice to meet Robyn too. As always, take care and be safe!!!!!!

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