Of all the things I never thought we'd do...

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June 14th 2007
Published: June 14th 2007
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So, our trip to Halong Bay is complete. Halong Bay feeds into the South China Sea, which is part of the Pacific Ocean. Although the three day adventure was a little bit more intense than we bargained for, it was a lot of fun and we definately saw and did some things that we wouldn't have otherwise. A short list of examples follows:

- we sailed around the bay (or, technically, the ocean) a lot, including in a storm
- we kayaked in the bay - that's right, kayaked, as in oars and rowing and not tipping over
- we rode bikes through a jungle for about 2 hours, which is quite an accomplishment, considering that neither of us can remember the last time we rode a bike
- I fell off my bike in to a palm tree
- Robyn jumped off the third floor of our boat
- I ate something that looked like seaweed and didn't throw up (and actually, it wasn't awful, I must admit)
- Robyn ate lots of calamari - complete with fins and eyes
- we ripped off the heads of shrimps and peeled off their skin before eating them... fyi, this is disgusting and messy!!

In addition to all of these things, we did a lot of sun tanning (we both have painful burns to prove it), and saw a great deal of beautiful sites. There are pictures to prove it, which we can't wait to show you.

After returning from this little adventure, we checked in to our new hotel, which has a computer in the room, and an elevator!! I don't think the computer is new enough to load pics, so you'll just have to wait until we get home to see them : ).

We've been buying lots of souviners and gifts, and are so excited to come home and give them away!!

Lots of love,

Bethany & Robyn


14th June 2007

I hate to tell you this but...
Calimari doesn't have fins... it's actually squid. I wonder what you ate. It's sure nice to hear from you guys. It's not like we were worrying or anything but we have been praying for you guys a little more than usual. Actually, Bethany, I have a picture of me teaching you to ride a bike on the front walkway in Burdett. You were wearing pedal pushers and a big floppy pink hat. Maybe if you had the hat again you wouldn't be riding into trees. I think this is the first time you've written where you haven't talked about plans for shopping. You must really be tired! We love you and look forward to seeing you next week. d.

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