Day 34 - Mariposa (Yosemite)

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June 4th 2007
Published: June 4th 2007
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Dean & I in the snowDean & I in the snowDean & I in the snow

Enjoying the snow! We dont get much of it (err NONE) back home so it's a real novelty
Day 34 – Saturday – Mariposa, California

Well today we took a meandering drive through Yosemite National was bee-ewww-tiful (and BIG!). Once again, it was striking how different all the national parks here are and Yosemite was nothing like the others we had been through.

First of all there was a HEAP of snow, huge mountains (the Sierra Nevada range), lots of waterfalls (some of the largest in the US), meadows, bigggg rocks (Half Dome and El Capitan are two of the more famous ones - El Capitan is apparently the largest basalt monlith in the world), big trees and just all in all gorgeous scenery.

We mostly ambled through in the cars, stopping along the way at various look outs and of course for lunch. We spent the night in a small town called Mariposa just outside of the park.

Hrmm I guess I dont have too much interesting to say upon reflection...again, i'll let the photos tell the story.

Oh ok, of vague interest, although probably not as funny if you werent there...but we didnt check in to our hotel until about 10pm so Kate & Toni called it a night, but
Snow AngelSnow AngelSnow Angel

Dean laying in the snow! (Yes he got a wet bum!!)
Dean, John, Jen & I went in search of food. In a town as small as Mariposa the only open place was Burger King (well even THAT wasnt open but the drive through was)...

Anyway, John had a moronic moment and asked which bloody thing he should place the order at as we drove down...and Jen blandly answered "the first one, the other one is a BIN John". Well we cried with laughter until John quite rightly commented on the fact that in Disneyland a few weeks ago a bin wheeled on up to him and started talking so how was he to know where to order!!!!


"Dean's Details"More rocks, more water, more cliffs....still cool!

Additional photos below
Photos: 15, Displayed: 15


Jen & I Jen & I
Jen & I

In front of Ellery Lake with the amazing mountains in the background
Be Bear AwareBe Bear Aware
Be Bear Aware

We didnt see any bears, but we did see this!
Dean & I Dean & I
Dean & I

At one of the look out points

In front of Bridal Veil falls
El CapitanEl Capitan
El Capitan's big!

Looking across one of the meadows

One of the BIG trees
The stupendous sixThe stupendous six
The stupendous six

The six of us in front of one of the fallen trees. The roots are amazing
Dean...same treeDean...same tree
Dean...same tree

Perspective shot
Teeny Tiny ToniTeeny Tiny Toni
Teeny Tiny Toni

In front of the Bachelor and the Three Graces
Artsy ShotArtsy Shot
Artsy Shot

Us being dorks

These fellas just seemed to come out of nowhere as we were walking down the path!
Half DomeHalf Dome
Half Dome

In front of Half Dome

4th June 2007

This is great
Sounds and looks like you're having a wow of a time. Its amazing to see a place with no Eucalyptus Trees.
5th June 2007

Lots of great pics for ya scrapbooking sarah!!!
13th June 2007

great pictures guys looks like a huge park .. keep having fun

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