The long and winding road (well more straight really)

Published: May 29th 2007
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Florence FallsFlorence FallsFlorence Falls

This is one of the waterfalls we swam in
Yo yo yo

What a week. I'm on the funnest tour ever, and have met loads of cool people. I'll put photo's up when i have more time but they will be worth the wait.

Right so we started in Darwin and went to Litchfield National Park and enjoyed swimming in Waterfalls (I don't like swimming in the sea but this was awesome). At one stage i did scream when i was attacked by a fish. It didn't hurt but was more shock. We swam in one called Florence Falls. We were meant to swim in one called Wangi but due to a late wet season it was still at high level with risk of salt water crocs. (yeah glad we passed on that)

I know i keep joking about the heat and it being winter, but relyy they only have 2 seasons... wet and dry. Luckily were in dry so the humidity drop as well and it's cooler (whatever)

After a big night out getting to know each other we head to Kakadu National Park... This N.P is the same size as Switzland. Anyone who has seen crocodile dundee, it's filmed in areas here. We
Ubirr RockUbirr RockUbirr Rock

Sunset on Ubirr rock "one day this will all be yours etc..."
stood on Ubirr Rock which was used in the film to watch the sunset. It was beautiful with just green all round (to get a better idea we started quoting the lion king with one day this will all be yours)

The camp ground in Kakadu had sighted poisonous snakes in the area earlier in the week so we every leaf we saw we got nervous over. Saw no snakes but some huge bugs. There was also a frog that wanted to live outside my room. I think it smelt fear.

In the same park we then went Noolangie rock (that's probably spelt wrong) This is where we saw a lot of art and learnt about the aboriginal culture. We also went on a Billabong Cuise to seebirds and crocs... and boy did we see crocs. One swam right up to the boat - this was a salty and more prone to attack but man it was awesome to see in their natural environment.

Moving on we went to Katherine. We swam in another waterfall called Edith Falls, on out walk down though we saw a sigh saying don't harass the crocs or they'll attack (and we
Saltwater CrocSaltwater CrocSaltwater Croc

The one that swam by the boat... at this point i zoomed but i've got ones with no zoom just as close
went swimming here) It's alright though as they were fresh water crocs and "not as dangerous" - yeah still not going to mess with them. However when a girl called Chloe through her apple in the water and something went for it i move to safe ground

Now as said they have a wet season where it rains a lot... so much that places can flood. We went to a Gorge system in Katherine that has 13 systems that fill right up in these season.... and the sides were huge. Photo's will show it better but to fill them you need a lot of rain.

Sunday brought our big driving day down to Tennant Creek. Once we stopped for lunch at a place called Daly waters which is in the middle of no where but the coolest pub ever. A proper outback pub where for any of the other services like petrol you had to go to the pub.

Finally we get to Alice Springs, but on our way we stop at Devil's Marbles which is basically round rocks.... and another excuse for a group photos. Also we stop at the randomist service station where they claim
katerine Gorgekaterine Gorgekaterine Gorge

I look awful in this photo, but in wet season this place is full
to be the UFO hotspot so have decorated it for this. So random especially it has like no one living there.

Next up is Ayers Rock and around there. Sorry this is so bam bam bam i have so many more stories but you get the jist. I'll put photos up as soon as possilbe and belive me it is worth it.

Additional photos below
Photos: 5, Displayed: 5


Devil's MarblesDevil's Marbles
Devil's Marbles

Round rocks

1st June 2007

Sounds good
Hey Helen, glad you're enjoying it in Oz, Am really looking forward to getting over there now. Hope the weather is good, I'm kinda wishing it wasn't their winter! Sounds like you have some great stories to tell when you get home.

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