Bling Bling

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August 9th 2005
Published: August 9th 2005
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First of all, I Looooove everyone's wonderful comments and e-mails. Keep them coming! I really appreciate having such amazing family and friends!!!

So the $ is now back in my account:-) yay! Which is a good thing, because I missed the minor detail of needing a visa to get into India, so I'll need that money to get an expedited visa. And I'll need a passport to get that, which I have lost. And I'll need a birth certificate to get that, which I don't have. But not to worry, I have a plan. My mommy is sending me a birth certificate (thank you!!!) and then I'm sending a bunch of stuff to a company in D.C. that will handle my passport and visa. This has definitely been a lesson in preparation!!! I know my absent-mindedness straddles the line of endearing and idiotic, but I say it's endearing! My trip is postponed until at least late this week and maybe until early next week. That is, unless I find my passport tonight. If I do, I'll try to leave tomorrow as planned and I'll see if I can get a visa at the U.S. Embassy when I get there.

My plans are a bit more solid now: I'm flying into New Delhi instead of Mumbai, and as soon as I figure out when I'm leaving, I will see if there are rooms still available at the Master Paying Guesthouse ( cute, and run by a really sweet couple. I am thinking of going to Varanasi (City of Light-apparently if you die there you attain instant enlightenment, although I'm not going to test it), Agra (Taj Mahal), Jaisalmer (camel ride through the desert), Dharmasala (Tibetan refugee community where the Dalai Lama lives), and Amristar (to see the Golden Temple, the Sikhs' holiest shrine). That should take up about half my trip and the other half I'll study with homeopathic doctors in New Delhi. Of course, I'm staying flexible about it all. If anyone has any recommendations, please let me know!



10th August 2005

I don't know India, but your possibilities sound awesome - great idea to go to Dharmasala -- very cool! Also, I know that Deepak Chopra is from India and if I were going there, I'd be interested to know if there's a town or medical facility or natural healing place that he's affiliated with. I love this travel blog -- how great and what a fabulous real-time way to keep in touch with all your friends and family who love you so!! Barb
10th August 2005

Blog Virgin Weighs In
Jessica, I have never followed a blog before and certainly never KNOWN someone posting to the whole world. That makes you a celebrity in my world! PLEASE, we all implore you to not take advantage of the special qualities of the city of Varanasi. I don't care if it is the City of Enlightment. We would rather have you than your instant enlightenment. Finish the Wisdom Course instead of dying. It is much more effective. I cannot wait for your next installment. This is better than a soap opera!! We have had suspense (will she make it on her scheduled plane?), violence (torrential rains and flood damage), tragedy (India's loss of lives), crime ($$ stolen from your account), successful detective work ($$ returned). Who knows what will follow? I am waiting expectantly by my computer for the heroine's next move!!
10th August 2005

hey gorgeous!
Wow! India is on my list of world travels. I am planning to go next year and climb the great wall where it is believed that by dipping in the well and climbling the 84 steps you can erase the karma of 84 million lifetimes! Have a fabulous time darling and send lots of pictures! peace and luv, Natalie B.
12th August 2005

Check email for contact info
I sent you an email with personal contact info for the center manager of the Landmark center in New Delhi. Hopefully this message will reach you in time for when you need it (if the need ever arises). Have a blast and be safe. Ed
12th August 2005

Hi Jess, Wow! Congratulations on a very exciting opportunity. I hope that you will find your endeavors in India to be enlightening. It appears that you are on a path to professional sucess which is something of which I always knew your were very capable. Good luck during your month in INDIA. Take care and keep sharing your experiences via this travel blog as I'm sure everybody is very interested in hearing of your adventures. Lastly, when you win the Nobel Prize for Medicine don't forget us small people in the Take care! JUAN
15th August 2005

Absent-minded twin
Jess, I can sooo relate to your situation. Its hard to operate at the level of genius and still keep track of the little details of life... lol... I look forward to the rest of your "detail" mishaps... :)

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