Pre-Travel Excitement

India's flag
Asia » India » Maharashtra » Mumbai
August 4th 2005
Published: August 5th 2005
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My first travel blog entry! I’m so excited! I’ll be in India from August 9 through September 5 to study homeopathy. My plan was to observe a doctor in clinical practice in Mumbai, but last week in Mumbai they had the most rainfall at one time in the history of India, complete with flooding, power outages, and water shortages. I was nervous at first, but I got over it. Then it rained again and clean-up has been quite slow and the death count high.

Even though I'm not worried anymore (maybe I have no concept of the reality there!), my parents ARE, and so as not to give my parents heart failure, I am reconsidering my plans. My ticket is non-changeable, so I was going to cancel it and buy another one to a different city...

That is, until last night, when someone gained access to my debit card number and completely drained my bank account. One of the charges was almost $1300 for sports equipment (hahaha, I think the last time I bought sports equipment was for soccer in high school). Now I’m not sure where I’m going, who I’ll study with or where I’ll stay, but I’m confident that this will be a fun adventure!!!

With Lots of Love,


5th August 2005

Only Jessica...
Jessica..Budweiser...That is fantastic about your trip!.So sorry about your bank account. I'm picturing you in one of those credit card fraud commercials where people who are defrauded talk with someone else's voice. Yours is a big rugby player with a deep voice. Where are you going to go now? The suspense of this blog is already getting to me! Please don't get flooded, we want you to come back safely.
7th August 2005

Epitomy of What's Possible
I always see what's possible in life when I think of you. I look forward to experiencing your travels from my computer. You go girl!!!! Like Budweiser I can see the rugby player with his foot on the ball, soccer clothes, dark hair, wicked smile......... well, I am sorry to hear about the money loss. India will be the better for you having been there. Chris
8th August 2005

The Joys of Travel
I just noticed that the Indian flag is like the Irish flag, but sideways. I was in Ireland this past summer, and actually spent time at the Indian embassy...just weird coincidences. But I know what you mean about the banking and such troubles. Let us know ifyou need anything while you're there. I am sure the pilgrimage you're about to begin there is going to be so full of new wisdom and lessons...please keep sharing them!
8th August 2005

If life is a bowl of cherries, what am I doing in the pits... lol
How cool... We'll be definatley looking forward to your future entries... Rock on!! P.S. Could I get a new baseball mit, mine is falling apart... :)
9th August 2005

yah, sorry to hear about the card.a few questions: did u find ur pasport yet? why am i writing this like 3 seconds after i called you? are waffles that good? why did i write about waffles? (for thoses who think i write like a early 14 year old boy, its because i am^_^). sorry about the waffles i thought u might laugh. neway i made pivot a gif so ull get it in mail. tahtah
9th August 2005

Jessica You Are the Coolest!
I am really looking forward to your ongoing story. This is so much better than waiting to hear all about when you get home. As long as you tell us the story as it is happening, we won't lose anything as it leaks from your memory.
12th August 2005

Gee I never get to travel ;(
Namaste, I just got back from the Rez and jumped right into clinic. This seems a great way to keep us all up to your travel experiences. Many great wishes ucompany you on your travels and I know you will do well. When do you return? I leave for Guatemala and the communities in the rainforest in eartly Sept , the EU in Nov and back to the Tsunami zone in Dec. Doc

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