17 Days to Go!

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August 2nd 2005
Published: August 2nd 2005
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Greeny and BlueyGreeny and BlueyGreeny and Bluey

They're not coming with me to Japan, but I didn't want them to feel left out.
It's down to less than 3 weeks 'til we leave, and I'm beginning to get anxious. Not nervous, just excited and ready to go. Everything seems to be falling in line: I have my passport, visa, certificate of eligibility, insurance info, and flight confirmed. The latter I did today and tried to get Zach and I seats together. No problem on the Baltimore-Detroit flight, but Detroit-Osaka was difficult. We may have to try again when we get to the airport. Ah well.

My mom bought me a DigiCam, and my Grandma bought me this cool travel satchel thing that will hold my important documents and stuff. And it's bright pink, which makes me happy. I need to start packing, though. I wonder how much I need to take... do I need bedding? Hmm. Well, I'm going shopping tomorrow for some new shoes/clothes. And I've been burning CDs so I don't have to take my real ones and insure them. 'Cuz I'm too poor to buy an IPod.

My loan is still processing and probably won't come through until September, so money will be tight for a little while. I just hope I don't owe IUP any money. *sigh*
Boba Fett vs. KenshinBoba Fett vs. KenshinBoba Fett vs. Kenshin

These are the kinds of things that amuse me. Who would win? My money's on Boba, but only because he doesn't worry about not killing people.

Fukuzawa is done! I mailed it yesterday, for better or worse. I don't know how good it is, but at least it's over. I almost cried yesterday when I realized I don't have to worry about it anymore.

Well, that's all I can think of for now. Preparations shall continue, and I'll keep everything posted.

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Sam Lookin' CuteSam Lookin' Cute
Sam Lookin' Cute

Sam looks so stupid and cute sometimes. I'm glad I got him with his tongue stuck out.

15th August 2005

Down to 4 days! Are ya ready? Did ya forget anything? Too bad if you did..lol I can't *run it over to you* :-( Such a looong way from home!
20th August 2005

You're there baby! You are sooo there! :-) Sometimes I feel like crying cuz I'm sooo happy for you. Sometimes I feel like crying cuz you're so far away from me and I'm not sure yet what to do when I realize it'll be months before I see your pretty smiling face again. Happy/Sad/Excited/Nervous...total Mom emotions all rolled up into one enormous emotional Cluster_Fuck! Just Enjoy...experience..LIVE!!! You deserve it!

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