Niagara Falls and Canada!

Published: August 12th 2005
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Niagara FallsNiagara FallsNiagara Falls

the day was so hot, and really windy! - check out the hair in other photos! the falls were so amazing, I could have sat down and watched them all day!
far out! hve just been to Niagra falls and walked into Canada on my day off - so cool! had an amazing day checking out the falls and being a good old tourist!

If you ever get the chance to go to Niagra, then do it, cos its honestly worth it. People here at camp have said that its really boring and a waste of time, but it soooo isnt! the sheer height and power of the falls and water is.....i dont know! its just amazing! you really have to experience it for yourselves to fully understand. The water that flows over the falls come from the great lakes, and travel out into the atlanta ocean - that in itself is cool!

Did the Maid of the Mist boat ride (did some of yous get my postcard?) which took us right up into the falls pretty much. The best thing about the trip was the lovely blue plastic poncho that we got so we wouldnt get wet!! haha - it wasnt actually the best thing but it was definitely a highlight considering the fact that i didnt pack a rain coat and now i have one - and a
Me, Jess and the FallsMe, Jess and the FallsMe, Jess and the Falls

go the hair! I told you's it was windy! haha! i have no idea what im doing with my hand!!
free one at that!! When we got into the 'horseshoe' section of the falls it was so wet we could hardly see a thing!

After the boat ride took the tram thingy to do The Cave of Winds walk which was just as cool and just as wet - this time we got a yellow (!!!) poncho and a free pair of sandals - yay!! (however i didnt keep mine cos i donated them to charity - arent i nice!)

Oh I saw a groundhog! it was so cute!

After the cave of winds Lisa (from Ireland) and I walked the 'rainbow connection' into Canada - ive been to canada, and to prove it i have a stamp in my passport - yeaha! however it almost didnt happen - DRAMA!!- cos lisa forgot a vital bit of paper work, but after some smooth talking to the canadian immigration people we got her in - mission completed! u can call us Bond, James bond. Secret Agent.

Anyway, had a choice as day - well worth the 5 hour bus ride there and back!
love ya all!

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this is our view of canada from america. We had to walk across the bridge to get there
maid of the mistmaid of the mist
maid of the mist

the sexy blue ponchos we had to wear on the boat ride the maid of the mist which took us way up close into the falls - very cool. im with some fellas from camp - katie, Lisa, Carlene, charlie and paul aka 'frankenstein'
way up closeway up close
way up close

This is what Niagara looks like when u are pretty much standing right in front of it! so cool - and so wet - especially when we went into the horseshoe bit - was like a heavy down pour, hence the need for the sexy blue ponchos!
some old building that looks coolsome old building that looks cool
some old building that looks cool

i think this used to be a power station back in the days, but i like to think its a prison :)
The American rapidsThe American rapids
The American rapids

and the point of no return (before u go over the side of the falls!)
Go the sandals!Go the sandals!
Go the sandals!

we got a free pair of sandals for the cave of the winds walk which took us on a short trek right 'under' the falls - we were approx 10 feet away from the falling water. it was amazing!
and a yellow poncho this time!and a yellow poncho this time!
and a yellow poncho this time!

its me, ceri, jacq and micheal
cav e of the winds walkcav e of the winds walk
cav e of the winds walk

this is the fall of water that we stood under. I couldnt take a photo any closer because it was way to wet!
Cave of the winds infoCave of the winds info
Cave of the winds info

read this and learn something new guys!
the point of no return!the point of no return!
the point of no return!

check out my hair!haha! i cant believe they let me cross the border looking like this!
walking the bridgewalking the bridge
walking the bridge

i can see it!
Lisa, me and our friend the mooseLisa, me and our friend the moose
Lisa, me and our friend the moose

im so excited - check out my cheesys! haha! isn the moose hot!
 the moose the moose
the moose

check him out! hes so tall!

12th August 2005

When I was there this guy who pushed in front of us' blue poncho flew off when we got close to the falls - very amusing. Love the moose!!!!

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