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March 24th 2007
Published: March 24th 2007
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Here is some interesting information about 1770 - this town is the only one in Australia to have a number for its name. This is the spot where the famous explorer, Captain James Cook, sailed into Bustard Bay back in 1770. As far as i know, it's not even really a town, but a peninsula surrounded by water on three sides. Again, like most places in Australia, it's really, really beautiful.

We arrived in Agnes Water (these two town are super close to each other) to find out there was some kind of mysterious "incident" and therefore no beds at the hostel i was supposed to stay at (Cool Bananas). We ended up at 1770 Southern Cross which is more of a tourist resort than a backpackers hostel, but lovely all the same. (I've been hanging around so many English people that i start to think in my head the way they talk, and then when it comes out of my mouth it sounds ridiculous!) The town is the type where you don't have to lock your doors (we don't even have keys to the room!) and it has a very friendly, laid back type feel.

My first day here i went on a free tour of the town - we stopped at exactly two sites and we were done! It's very small, but i really like it here. I've talked to a few people who had planned on staying one day and ended up here longer. Turns out there's actually quite a bit to do and see here, and it's all relatively cheap compared to other places around here. You can do a scenic flight above the town for $65, you can do surfing lessons for under twenty dollars...apparently this is a fantastic place to dive or snorkel because it's so clear. With all those things to do....i chose Scooterroo!

K now that sounds dorky, cuz i really, really didn't mean for that to rhyme! Anyway, Scooterroo is a 60km ride on either a scooter (the same one Emily and I took around Langkawi, and Em, i'm really, REALLY sorry that i'm calling it a scooter!) or a mini Harley Davidson around 1770 and Agnes Water. Now, i consider myself an expert on the former because of Em's and mine experience on them previously (!) so i definitely wanted myself a chopper! Unfortunately, I took my sweet time finding a helmet that fit, and finding shoes for myself, and by the time i got outside, there were no choppers left....so i was stuck with a scooter! Needless to say, i was pretty disappointed, but only because i wanted to ride the harley instead. I must have looked pretty crushed because the guy promised that i could switch with someone halfway - and I ended up switching three times and barely riding the scooter at all. It was pretty sweet! I even got some of my money back too (not enough to go shopping with though!)

I was glad i had some experience on a motorbike (as limited as it is!) because some of the people (ok, mostly the girls!) were pretty shaky. One girl couldn't ride at all and ended up on the back of someone's bike, and another wiped out trying to turn a corner. But i was pretty comfortable, and it was a gorgeous day and an amazing ride. We stopped at one place where there were wild kangaroos, and then at another place near a pub where we got some food, went out on the rocks and watched an amazing sunset (one of many that i've seen on this trip!) It was a really fun ride.

The beach was pretty nice too. If i'd had more time i might have tried surfing there (i'm determined to try it at least somewhere on this trip!) The waves looked enormous though! Nobody was wearing stinger suits at this beach though. I wonder if my stinger suit wearing days are over.....? 😊

So now it's onto Hervey Bay and then my 4x4 trip on Fraser Island! Cross your fingers it doesn't rain!

Love Lindsay 😊

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another beautiful sunsetanother beautiful sunset
another beautiful sunset

Enjoying a beer and potato wedges in 1770 at sunset

29th March 2007

1770, Captain Cook & Amazing Photos
G'day and Aloha Lindsay Seems you're on the trail of Captain Cook too! Your photos seem to get better and better everyday! AND you go girl with a top rated Travel Blog Photo! We're still sipping fancy rum drinks with flowers and pineapples in them and enjoying the music! The Pineapple Princess has become a legend here too! See the photos and read all about it on her Travel Blog! Hope you will be able to visit Fiona in Sidney too! Hope you're having a Coopers for us too! Travel Safe, Travel Smart. With Aloha from Aloha Joe and Aloha Jane (the Pineapple Princess)
29th March 2007

Your Australia Travels
Hi Lindsay Your blog sight is totally awesome! It was such fun to meet you in Malaysia. I am glad your travel is continues to be fun. I hope we can meet again! I will visit you in Kanada too! Say hi to Emily too! Ciao from Fa Ling

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