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July 18th 2005
Published: July 18th 2005
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Don't ask me to explain the psychological issues regarding what I'm about to say, but it must be known that when i arrived back in New York, it just felt like I was back home. I don't regard anything about this city as homely, because that is what my family and friends make me feel like, but returning to the city where I will be leaving from has given off this feeling of finality. I have also, for the first time since being here, started to regret the fact that my holiday wasn't longer! I've met many people who have been travelling for many months, and my short trip in comparison has made me envious of them, because there's so much I've yet to explore, and if only my money wasn't running out I would definitely stay longer!

Once again this will only be a short entry. I am definitely not sticking to the same style as my last entries, because I've been very hapless in the updating of them, and while routine and schedule would have let me continue to pour out my feelings into text for you to read, the fact is my holiday hasn't been routine at all. There have been moments where I haven't even had a confimred place to stay and yet I made the required journeys to these places just hoping that I would be lucky. And for those who know me, I am generally very lucky. Apart from the one incident with the videocamera, I have been lucky. However, the videocamera incident intrigues me. It just doesn't seem to fit right. I can understand there are people out there willing to take things that aren't theirs, but with the whole dorm situation, it would be very difficult to guess whether someone had left anything, because people leave and arrive all the time and only careful attention would notice whether somebody had left something and for the thief to be sure they had gone. I haven't even been able to look into the room where it's been, and because I didn't mention to staff that the videocamera was still plugged in and instead told them that I'd left it behind, they could have thought that the camera belonged to somebody still staying there in the room and possibly looked for a camera on its own. I haven't even been into the room, but I'm going to try tonight, and when I see myself that 8it's not there, I will take the details very seriously. I might just have to try to turn detective here, as there are clues I have figured out since the alleged theft.

Anyway, back to the travelling side of things! I've spent the day just getting used to things again. I haven't been to see any sights, and instead spent a lot of money here in New York buying things that I want! These include chocolate/candy, clothes, food and a CD. I think I've had some very good bargains, and when i get home I think you might be surprised with the amount of things I've got. This is all thanks to saving up. The money I get from my job is very precious to me, and when it is sent into my account every month courtesy of Marks And Spencers, I make sure I have more left at the end of the month than I do at the beginning. This has allowed me to do something as crazy as this! I highly reccommend saving to all of you, so instead of wishing you could be somewhere and hoping you might one day be able to get that special something you've wanted for so long, you can actually go there or buy it. It's insane!

The weather here hasn't dissappointed me at all since that rainy day in NYC the last time I was here. It's very hot all the time, and I have apparently caught the sun, but never being a man of vanity, I really don't care how red/brown my skin looks! The humidity here is what gets me every time. Whenever there's the slightest bit of walking to do, I'm always hoping for some shade to wander beneath or that the sun might be hiding behind a cloud, because even though that does nothing to slow the stickiness of the air, it lowers the heat and at least makes you feel less exhausted. Imagine being inside a place like plantasia for several days and you can pretty much imagine what visiting New York is like! Not to say the benefits aren't worth it though, and there is always air conditioning.

As for things I've done today? How does getting my ARM on MTV TRL LIVE sound? Yes, my arm is now a famous TV star, and will be appearing in venues across the states ... I'm only kidding, but it's true that my limb did get a guest appearance on the afore-mentioned program. I had been through Times Square before, all the time knowing where the studios were, hoping that at some point I would get to see the show being filmed, but a purposeful visit never resulted in a success. Now, when just visiting the MTV store, I saw on the plasma screen the show being broadcast. "Hey is that live?" I asked myself, and quickly hopped out of the shop (Not literally) to look above and there it was, the shutter-less window with the presenter and the microphone and the screaming hordes of girls below. I shuffled along to the very edge of the barriered crowd, and waved it frantically when the camera took in the footage. behind us the live show was being played on the big screen for all Times Square to see, and yes, mine was there! Excellent.

And that's it for today I'm afraid. Apart from the slow bus trip and the diner meal stop and meeting the woman named Frances who used to run her own fashion store on the bus who when leaving to the destination bus station nearly bumped her bag into my face which was when I saw the name Frances on the bag leading me to assume she had created the bag she was wearing and the not free this time laundry wash and the decent computer I am now using to access the internet, I didn't really do much else so there is nothing to tell. I will leave you with my new dilemma. I have too much stuff, and so will have to drag around several bags with me when leaving for the airport, but its ok because the police (NYPD) now frequent the subway stations and so it is difficult to make a robbery there. I will also report the theft of the camera to the police in the morning, only when I'm sure the camera has been taken. Thanks for reading! Say hi to everyone, and most importantly, take care!



21st July 2005

Good how the money system works eh?:P ...Sometimes at least. Hope you get your cam back Russ. Enjoy the rest of your travels! See you soon. Take care too!
17th May 2006

Long time no see!
Hey Russell!!! This is Willie. We hung out in New York for a couple days last summer! I always wondered why we didn't exchange emails. Hit me at: a10srule@hotmail.com Hopefully I'll hear from you!

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