Short But Sweet

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July 17th 2005
Published: July 17th 2005
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I apologise for not being so consistent with my updates as of late, the last two days and technically the three before have been very full and busy leaving me no time to give you any details about what I've been up to. However, I will really briefly let you know a few of the things that have happened which I either haven't mentioned before or haven't hevn't had time to bring up.

I've met these two travellers, one from New Jersey and the other from Switzerland, and they met up two years ago because Chris, the Swiss, has been involved in a student exchange program in Kei, the Americans, school. Theyve been kind enough to let me tag along, and I have been having the funniest time! We've enjoyed things like a Chinese All You Can Eat Buffest (With Blue ice cream, or Chemicals as we liked to call it) and we have actually just come back from a Fireworks display which is part of a large international fireworks competition. One that Wales sadly hasnt been a part of. Never mind, we're good at rugby, so we shouldnt give a damn about some fireworks should we?

This keyboard is actually hurting my fingers its so hard to type on; it's one of those internet cubicle things similar to those you would find in Swansea opposite Mothercare and near HSBC. So this wont be much longer. However, I've also ventured onto a new type of food, Arabian, and its quite nice. Better than the Brazilian in my opinion. I even went to this Chapters store at midnight to queue up for the new harry Potter book, and dont believe I've seen a longer line in my entire life! And to think that this is just one store in a small-ish city and I can but imagine what it would be like in London or even New York had I been there. Anyway, I was prepared to go up to 25 dollars which is approx 12 pounds, but the hardback sixth book in the potter installment would have set me back a staggering 41 dollars! No thanks I said, and I left the book at the side of the tills while my friend Kei purchased his. Guess I'm going to have to wait until I get back!

So this is the familiar moment when i must leave you. I will be heading on a bus to New York tomorrow, and as well as bagging several bargains and must haves for me, I'm picking up a few small things for people and I will also enquire about spending one night in a fancy hotel. Alls hoping it goes well then. Farewell for now!



17th July 2005

fancy food
Hi Russ, i am amazed that u r trying all that different food as i cant get u to try anything new at home, im quite impressed but dont expect me to cook arabian food when u get home and as for brazilian, well!!!!!!!!!!!! blue ice cream, whats that about! lol mum.
17th July 2005

Potter pals!
Hehe, mine cost a measly £8.00!!...£1 with tesco vouchers. And I finished reading it about 5 minutes ago, briliiant as ever!! :D You really seem to be...EVERYWHERE these days... Keep updating so I can find you on Google Earth :)
18th July 2005

Back in NY?
Hi Russ, Just to say we're still reading! Mums looking for a Dog, help me pursuade her we dont need another one! PLEASE! lol see you soon

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