No Sign Of Mounties

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July 13th 2005
Published: July 13th 2005
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And now I can add another country to my short list. I won't name it 'Places I've conquered' because I don't exactly count what I've been doing as enslaving a whole nation under my rule, and I won't call it 'Russell's places of where I've been' because that sounds very, VERY immature and the grammar is wrong. Instead, I'll just put the title at the top which reads 'Places to go back' because ultimately that's what I'll be doing. Did I mention to anybody that I was going to the USA in my third year at University? Well, that's really a rhetorical question. While staying in this increasingly large introductory paragraph, I'll say a couple more things. I didn't update this blog last night because I had a mad rush of trying to get from DC to New York and then from New York to Montreal all in a single day, and when you have luggage to carry around with you, it gets very hard to find any spare time to surf the internet! And to whomever left the comment on my last blog, you are very welcome. I myself found it difficult to truly find out what it was like here, and I ended up buying this book. Though that certainly gave me a lot of information, it never really told you what to expect, so by doing this and it being free to view, I hope it helps you a lot. And you'll really dig the city, just make sure you don't waste too much time getting lost!

And so I am going to begin with where I left off. Once again I leave the internet booth and head on upstairs. Chris and Penny had spoken of having some Lucky Charms cereal which they'd found in New York, and apparently they don't seel it in the UK any more. I went to the kitchen to see if I could find them but the place was full with everyone it seemed apart from them! I went up another floor to my room and opened it expecting to find them there, but the lights were off and everyone was asleep.

'Damn' I thought to myself. I wanted to reach around and halt the door from closing but it was too late. It slammed shut and already people were stirring. I didn't want to go to sleep so early, but I didn't want to be the person who would end up leaving for five minutes, not finding anybody and coming back in again only to cause even more disturbance. Believe me, I've met one of the types, and they aren't very well liked. I gave up on any idea of leaving, and tip toed and silently climbed my way into bed. 'Damn' Again. I'd not put my pillow case, sheets or quilt sheet on the bed and my luggage was still laid out in crinkly plastic bags. I managed to get half of it off but it made so much noise I gave up on the rest, just sliding it to the end of my bed and quickly shoving the pillow case on. I managed some comfortable sleep, even though it doesn't sound like it!

When I woke up in the morning, with my mobile alarm not working due to insufficient battery life, I'd expected to be late for checking out and not having enough time for a shower or my laundry. I got up anyway, and went downstairs to claim my breakfast. What it turned out to be was a medium sized muffin with a small carton of orange juice and free coffee if you wanted. I wasn't that disappointed, though compared to the last inclusive breakfast I probably should have been, but it did taste good and I wasn't really fussed. I met Jeremy, one of the people I had shared the room with in the last hostel and he was also the person I briefly mentioned in the last blog. I joined him at the table where we began to chat. He told me that he was in DC looking for an apartment as he was about to start school in the autumn and he wanted to live there. He'd found a place in Georgetown, which was where his school was, and when he was telling me that I was gulping down my banana and nut muffin and tiny orange juice. Not long after that, Penny passed by with a handful of food (She was sensible and bought food from a supermarket), and she asked too if she could join us. I said yes, and then she joined into the conversation. Then Jeremy kindly or unwillingly stopped talking while me and her were talking about Britain and comparing it to the USA. After a good fifteen minutes or so and a black coffee (I've never had black coffee before and only one cup of coffee previous to this in my whole life!), me and Penny went up to my room where her boyfriend was staying.

When I got in, she woke him up and I started to get my stuff for the laundry. I was doing this because at some point I discovered that I had enough time to do it. When I'd mounted everything into a small mountain of clothes, I picked it up and left them two to chat. I found the way to the basement and on the way to the machines I saw a sign which said 'Laundry Hours 4:00 to 2:00' and without really considering it, I carried on. I put my stuff in the washing machine and was about to start the cycle when I realised I'd forgotten powder! The sign on the vending machine said to go to front desk, so I did and bought it for $1. The desk clerk didn't say anything to me about why I was getting it now, but it'll become clear in a moment. So I went back down, and was going to get some change out of my wallet when I pressed the button and the thing started to move. Strange, when in the same group of hostels, the New York branch had required me to pay $.75 for the privilege of washing my clothes. All the other machines were on, and the driers behind were heating and cooling blankets on everyone's bed and... I wondered. I went back to the sign and saw it clearly this time. The sign said 'Laundry Hours 4:00PM to 2:00AM' and it was now approaching 25 past 10 AM. Then it all came to me. When outside of the publics use, the washing machines were used to clean the hostels supply of sheets and bedding, and set to a free cycle! I laughed, knowing I was cheating them out of 1.50 in total, and rushed back upstairs before a cleaner came and noticed.

I waited out the time watching TV, but there was nothing good on. I had a Pepsi from the machine, and before long it was time to go and fetch my clothes. They were wet and I knew they'd need drying, but there was an added complication with this. The washing machines were covered completely but the drier's had a window where you could see into them. Knowing this, I took the chance anyway, and threw them in the top machine. I ran back upstairs and saw it was getting close to check out time. I'd done almost everything apart from put my suitcase in the locker to keep it safe and check out. I had a quick look to see if I'd left anything behind in my room, and once again watched the TV, and before the drying time was over I'd grabed the stuff, folded it and put it slightly damp in my suitcase. I put that quickly into my locker leaving nothing but the camera in a case around my neck and under my arm (No thief is getting this!) and checked out. I was 15 minutes later but they didn't seem to really notice.

I headed off to the Smithsonian Natural History Museum. I'd been there yesterday, and the walk was just as long even though my new hostels location had been better. On the way, I passed this building where me and Chris had walked by last night and saw a lot of older people wearing glow sticks around their neck. The last time I'd seen them was being handed out to children on the 4th July celebrations. I couldnt quite explain why I thought this sight was so funny, but just seeing the building brought back the recent memory and I once more laughed a little. Also, while crossing the busiest street between me and the museum, a police convoy was passing. First I thought it was a single police bike. Then another, and then another two behind them, all in single file. Then 8 more bikes followed those, and approximately four top secret black cars and two police cars on the outside. I was hoping it would be the president, but the tinted windows and apparent dummy routes these convoys deploy might have tricked me into thinking there was someone there that wasn't.

When I finally got to the museum, I saw a lot of school kids outside in matching T Shirts and with too many adult chaperones. There was one for every 2 children if I guesed correctly, it was crazy! They did prevent me from going straight in like two days before, but the wait was worth it. From the life size taxidermists elephant in the rotunda (That would be the main entrance area), to the dinosaur bones and excellent mammal, insect and gem/stone displays, it was a good way to end DC. Except really it wasn't the end, because I had time to go to the American History museum just next door to that, and I wish I hadn't, because there was this unexplicable atmosphere there which gave it a whole 'doom and gloom' feeling. I think it was the overdose on American history and stupidity I witnessed (There was sort of game where visitors had to test their strength by wringing a cloth by using two poles. I saw three people use the machine, and none of them could wring it because they didn't understand you had to move your wrists in opposite directions. D'oh!)

Oh no! It looks like again my time has run out, but I won't have time to even briefly describe my excperiences. Instead I'll add to this blog later on or tomorrow. I'm going to relax all day tomorrow so I'll have time for that! Anyway, keep reading, and hopefully you'll be leaving me comments which I like. And also, THANKS DAVE for your blog, it was tremondo! :D



13th July 2005

Hey bruv! how are ya? just wanted you to know im enjoying reading and we all miss ya keep adding to the blog!
14th July 2005

Tiny orange juice
Hi Russ, why on earth do you keep having medium muffins and small orange juices when u could be enjoying large versions of everything as u r in usa. Please make the most of it as u cant get large versions of anything over here because companys are worried about being sued. Anyway, how r u? Also can we have an update on what colour Daves hair is this week? lol momxxxxxx

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