Here's Where The Story Ends

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March 6th 2007
Published: March 8th 2007
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The End of the RoadThe End of the RoadThe End of the Road

...quite literally!
All good stories come to an end and this one came to a halt on Tuesday 27 February 2007 - 10 months and a day after leaving for Capetown. We've covered about 29,500 air miles, 7 countries and amassed about 8,500 photos! After the previous "going home" experience we always knew that this bit was going to be difficult, but nothing quite prepares you for that final Michael Palin Around the World in 80 Days moment - the one where you scurry to get your first English newspaper in 10 months and find that everybody is far too busy and stressed to be friendly!

We'd like to thank everybody who helped in anyway along the way, but with particular mention as follows:

CBD - for the house and garden duties
Paul & Lisa - for their contribution to the above
Miranda's mother - for sorting out the postal stuff
Bri (& Kiah) - for the accommodation, introduction to dog walking in Bayside and the BBQ lessons
John & Sylvia - for letting us stay in Tasmania again and the use of the car
Jamie - for the Team Wellington season tickets
Nadene - for the introduction to Golden Horse and the CD
Graham - for the cricket tickets

....and here's to the next time, if there is a next time and if our legs are still up to it!


29th August 2007

What A Trip!
Sounds like you had an amazing trip. Chris Threerooms Nottingham

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