Hilarious Disastor!

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February 5th 2007
Published: February 5th 2007
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So embarassedSo embarassedSo embarassed

I offered to help clean up, but the wouldn't let me! They were all laughing, so it wasn't all bad.
Hey Everyone!

So, the last few days have been pretty tame, just hanging out around the house, and on the beach and going shopping for teacher-like clothes. I brought a lot of shirts, but only one good pair of pants, and no good shoes!

So off to the mall I went. I thought, while I was there, why not pick up some shampoo? So I was in the store (kind of like Shoppers) and was looking for my brand. It was partially blocked by a shampoo-tower like display. Noticing it was on wheels, I went to move it over a bit to look for my shampoo when BAM! I knocked the entire thing over. It was 7 levels high, with about 15-20 bottles on each level. Thank god my roommate Sonia was there with her camera.

The next photo is from the army surplus store which for some reason also had some nautical stuff, so we took a photo with a sailer hat- enjoy!

Thats it for me for now- tomorrow I'm heading out to Wellington until around the 16th, and I'm not sure if I will have internet, so lots of love until I get back!



5th February 2007

Ahoy Mattey!
Did I spell that right? Anyway...just almost peed my pants reading about the shampoo disaster and looking at the picture! My mum also shared a bit of a giggle about it too!! We both love ya!!! Xoxoxoxoxo

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