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February 4th 2007
Published: February 4th 2007
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So I'm back in Besancon and trying to find the motivation to update this thing. Now that I'm in the dorms, I no longer have free wifi so I'm forced to come to the bar and type. This poses a serious problem seeing as the only music they play here is cheesy American music that completely interferes with my normal thought process.

But anyway, Paris was great. Absolutely wonderful. The true Parisiennes are lovely, the buildings are lovely the culture in that city is lovely. It's just a different vibe than Besancon, and that should be obvious considering the size difference. I can't wait to go back with my parents and Nicholas.

We did so much while we were there. My body is still recovering from my 18 hour days. It was just go go go, but that's how it has to be done when there's so much to see. Luckily for me, I had like-minded people that I hung out with. No one had a real agenda - we all just wanted to wander around Paris and happen upon the sights.

The most cliched thing that I did was seek out the eiffel tower at night - and it is definitely cliched for a reason. It was soo soo beautiful. We went there at about 12:30 am and waited until 1 when it sparkles for 10 minutes straight. It really was the perfect end to my trip to paris.

More on it later- I don't have it in me to type much more and my battery is just about dead.


6th February 2007

I'm glad you had nice time..someone can always steal your purse, but not your memories.

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