Into Boston!

Published: July 1st 2005
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I finally got out of that huge city that was New York, and into a much younger population in the student populated city of Boston! Forgive that long and possibly strange sentence, it's just that with a new place comes new enthusiasm for this place. However, that is all in the now, but I'm going to move back to yesterday where I left it.

But, before I go there, I just want to say that I caught up on the Big Brother news. Has there been some arguments or what?!

Ok, for real this time. After I left the internet cafe yesterday, I thought I'd try and catch up with Willie after the show he saw, which was 'Phantom Of The Opera'. There were so many people coming out of that place, I swear I thought it was a tardis, where somebody had set the fire alarm off. Seriously it was crazy! Anywho, I didn't see him. So, after that, I decided to go shopping. That's right, it was nearly 11PM and there are shops still open!

You all knew my plan when I got here was to get some bargains, and the first of which I bought was some clothes from the Quiksilver shop. Going in, the shop wasn't all that big, but it was awesome! They have about 30 completely white surfboards hanging from the wall and an enormous screen of screens behind the tills! I checked out these D&G or D&C or something with two letters merged together for the logo shoes, but the ones I wanted (Completely white) weren't available in my size. And that's something about this place; the shirt sizes are the same, but the shoe sizes aren't! I was trying on the 7.5 shoe which is too small for me anyway, and almost made a jackass of myself by tripping up when it was actually a 6.5!

Anyway, I got some light coloured shorts and a light green t-shirt and some flip flop's! Awesome deal when it works out about 60 quid! I'm wearing them right now!

I headed back to the hostel, where I found my two most talkative room mates by the expensive internet access PC's in the hostel. I hung around for a while, but then I was told that there was a new British couple staying up there, so I decided to go introduce myself. Turns out the ones I met first (Who weren't there when I arrived, but shortly afterwards) were from Arizona and Peru, and were married. I'm guessing they didn't still live there separately or that would be a marriage with a whole lot of work! They were cool though. Then Willie and Kyle came up, and then after I wrote some stuff in my travel diary (Which I'm about three days behind on!) they went to sleep. Then the British couple came, but I only briefly spoke to them because it was a whispered conversation. Basically they said they had a similar travel plan as me. We could end up staying in the same hostel for all I know!

I packed my stuff ready to check out at 11AM the next day and went to sleep. When I woke up, I'd only been asleep for several hours because the traffic woke me up. Believe that if you will, something outside woke me up! That is a crazy miracle right there. Hold on a second, don't miracles have to be good things? Well, it's never happened before, not even that thunderstorm. And talking of thunderstorms, the first day out in the city was supposed to be a thunderstorm-ery night, but that fizzled out (HAHA! I geddit, dont know about you :p). So I got up, and I'd carefuly planned my packing to leave my bathroom stuff on the top, go me! But before that, I phoned my mum, who was there this time (YiPpEEEEE!), and she cheered me up a whole lot, not that I wasn't cheery before. In fact, I think I'm still on this cheery high now!

After a shower, I finished packing, and so did Willie, so after leaving Kyle my contact stuff in case he wanted to keep in touch, we both checked out and then went to Times Sq. Then came my first breakfast, in a restaurant chain called Applebee's. What a weird place to have breakfast, in a bar and grill, but it worked. I had the Free Range Egg Platter, which was three servings of scrambled egg (But they offer to do it in any way you want) with a sausage, a bacon rasher, loads of potatoes done in some strange way, a slice of cantaloupe melon and an english muffin. Filling it was!

We both went into Times Sq, and after Willie got his cash from the ATM we went to the bus station. Now, I originally planned to catch the 'Lucky Star Bus' which is Engrish gone bad, but that meant going all the way to Chinatown and finding the station and struggling to buy the ticket because I went there the day before yesterday and everyone shouts a lot, and it would take me to the chinatown in Boston and then I'd have to find somewhere where I could get directions to the hostel etc etc, so I just got a ticket to Boston from the bus station. Wasnt very much either!

And so the Bus journey, which was just before I came here. It was about 5 1/2 hours in the end because there was so much traffic. We had to stop some way in because the driver needed a rest.

I'm going to have to cut this short because I'm soooooooo tired right now and my eyes are drooping (I had a light sleep on the bus for about 20 minutes), but basically I arrived in Boston, got the tube, then the free lift from the station to the hostel got my room, and now am about to sleep and explore the city tomorrow. Night night everybody!



2nd July 2005

sleepy in boston
how r u russ, keep sending those journals
2nd July 2005

sleepy in Boston
Russ is it as hot in Boston as it was in NY?

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