First Day of Orientation!

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January 29th 2007
Published: January 29th 2007
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Overlooking Wollongong...and my headOverlooking Wollongong...and my headOverlooking Wollongong...and my head

check out the tan line already!
So, today was the first day of "Canadian Orientation" which turned out to be awesome!

As we were walking to campus, there was a few things that I noticed that were similar to Guelph, and then a few things that weren't-

* there was a pedestrian bridge to cross to get over to uni, on the ground it said "welcome to corporate uni"- ah activism!

* I could have imagined it, but I swear that I smelt farm somewhere on the air 😊

* delicious smoothies

* a huge crab-like spider crawled up my leg

* a duck pond

* palm trees

Hopefully there will be more exciting updates to this sofarprettyboring "Similar/Different" part of the blog- onto the exciting part!

The orientation started with some info on Health Coverage, Accomodation etc... and then they brought in people from their version of travel cuts to talk about the options available to us. The first guy was from mojo surf talking about these learn to surf trips, the second was from Oz Adventure first I was a little pissed off that our precious orientation time was being taken up by these touristy companies-- until they said they were going to have a draw.

Soooooooooo, put my name in. There were four items up for draw- two shirts and then one sailing trip and one surfing trip. The first shirt went to my roommate Adam. (I thought it was going to be me, until they said the last name.) And then the last thing they drew for was the sailing trip- AND I WON!!! Holla!!! I still don't know ANY details, but I do know that it is worth about $350 bucks and its 2 days and 2 nights sailing the Whitsundays...

The Whitsundays is a group of islands and apparently its AMAZING. ( And the company i'm going with is Oz adventure sailling. ( So yeah, things are going pretty great.

After the sitting down stuff we went on a driving tour up and down the coast- check out the photos 😊

So, I'm tired and hungry, so I'm going to go do some groceries 😊


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30th January 2007

Hey friend, OMG, I was fully crying when I read this blog... I can just see you running to the front of the class to put your name in the draw.. and then when the other Adam won.. Hilarious! I am so jealous about your fab trip! have a great time. cheers

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