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January 23rd 2007
Published: January 23rd 2007
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All the important questions have surfaced today...

1. do we bring pjs?
2. are our vitamins vegetarian?
3. will DEET erode our skin and prevent our transformation into beautiful goddesses of the sun and sea?
4. can we bring conditioner or does this make us appear really girly?
5. will there be milk chocolate in S.E.Asia? or will it all have insects in it for extra crunch?

Basically, we should stop thinking and just go! (before that, we must pack though. Hmm.. must remember Jack's words of wisdom: pack as if loading the barrel of a gun..i see this not going too well..)

Am re-reading Bridget Jones to remind self that do not want to be stuck in Thai jail singing Madonna with bra on head. (sorry mum, dad for bringing that up - we will be careful!! 😊)


23rd January 2007

bridget jones
i wonder who wrote this particular entry...
23rd January 2007

It's finally here!
Yehay! the day you've been waiting for has finally arrived! Good luck and stay safe and most of all have fun! I cant wait to see you, I have just fallen in love with Magnetic Island so may be working here...you must come! Prob too late but yes...take pj's...and be carefull with the deet! my skin went funny...but it also melts plastic so dont get near ur camera, phone or any jewellery that you think is not plastic...then discover in a very wrong way that it is!! loads of love and luck xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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