Sitting at train station

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Europe » Poland » Lesser Poland » Kraków
December 28th 2006
Published: December 28th 2006
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I'm sitting at Krakow Glowny, trying to find a decent map because it's dark and I don't know how to get to my hostel 😊


I have so much to write from the past few days!

Main thing that happened after Michal's birthday: met all the Polish dudes from Workshop Europe. Yesterday morning. Outside Marlena's in Legionowo. It was like YET all over again! And I was so chuffed that they all put the effort in to get together to meet me 😊 Then we went ice skating in Warsaw, at the rink in front of the Palace of Culture and Science. It was so much fun, and I didn't fall ONCE. Who kicks ass at ice skating?!! Actually no not me. But I can kinda ice skate now. And then I had the best pizza ever, well maybe not but i was really hungry. We went to Pizza Hut and OMG 4GBP for a HUGE pizza!!! 25Zl. I was like :O I'll just stay here thank you very much and eat pizza for a week. And they have different kinds of pizza from UK too, my one had broccoli on it. And other things too.

Righty, I've figured I gotta get a tram to Pedzichow. So I will go to a kiosk, and kindly ask in my wonderful Polish, 'yaden bilet do Pedzichow, proche'. If that doesn't work I'll come back here and write more.

See ya


Ps: not staying long in Krakow, im heading to Bratislava (slovakia) on the 30th. Natalia's cousin Eweline and a big group of her mates are spending New Years there and she kindly invited me, so I'm meeting them. Then I'm heading to Vienna on the the 1st. That's Austria for all you geography dimwits.

Right, time for some Polish. x

PPS; Saika ya pea brain, WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO TOP UP MY PHONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When I said 'top it up whenever' i meant at some point that day. I'm still waiting 10 days later! I have 2p credit, help me out man! lol


28th December 2006

top up
il top it up 2nite wasnt sure if u wer using it. sound like ur having a ball!!! im getin jealous now .. wish i had just cum with u. speak soon
29th December 2006

Hey chic-a-dee! Sounds like ur having such a blast! Poland sounds amazing and it sounds like ur Polish is coming along! :P Vienna will be lovely! Always wanted to go there! I'm glad u had a loveley x-mas aswell - all the Polish traditions sound really kewl! You're not missing much back home in Glasgow, it's raining as usual.. and NOBODY has anything planned for New Years so it'll probably just be a quiet one, lol :( But you'll have a hoot! Speak soon chic, good luck on getting that train ticket :P Muchos love xxx

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