I'm off again

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December 15th 2006
Published: December 15th 2006
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Well it was bound to happen one day but I didn't expect it to be so soon. I gave my resignation at work today and on Monday I will set off travelling again. I'll be back in Auckland for Christmas. For any of you who are curious I will continue to have the same address and phone number. If you don't know them, let me know and I can email them to you.

Last night I was up until the early morning hours (again) chatting with Sebastian who is the person I will be going travelling with. In the midst of it, he asked if I would like to go travelling with him. I didn't even have to think about it, it just sounded right and I said yes. The past three nights in a row we've stayed up late having great conversations. Yes there is a bit of a language barrier because he's still in the process of learning English but it really doesn't get in the way much. By now, I am quite used to Germans learning English. I think this will be quite interesting because we've already discovered that we're kindred. This for me is quite rare. This trip will be really good because we will be able to see and share things that we wouldn't easily be able to with other people.

I will probably come online on Sunday (2 days from now), but then I may not come on again until I come back to Auckland for Christmas. (I'm saying this so no one worries.) Oh and we will be going to Coromandel and anywhere else we can make it to before we have to come back.

A couple other clips from the past few days... I forgot to mention last time that I was learning to play Poi. It's really fun except for when I lose control and get whacked.
The night before last we went to the Domain to see the glow worms. It was really cool to see them in the water, they looked like stars.
Another thing I've found is that water fights actually are fun. Yesterday they caught Annemarie and I unaware when we were lying in the park. We do this sometimes when the waves are bad. (Good waves equals Stephen going surfing.)


15th December 2006

yay, travelling!
Whoo hoo! Good to hear you're off again! Wish I could go with! Have fun!

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