Kansas City-IHOP- Day 1

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June 14th 2005
Published: June 14th 2005
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I am at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City. It is really amazing here. I am visiting three friends from my covenant small group at school who are interning here. They are doing the "Fire in the Night" internship and they pray from midnight to 6am every night all summer. The prayer room has 24 hours of worship every day. Its often spontaneously sang and played worship by the worship leaders but its always beautiful. The Spirit is very strong. Tomorrow I have an appointment in the specific prayer rooms. I went to my friends class yesterday for the interns and a man spoke about intimacy with God and a girl gave her testimony about coming on staff. There are 700 people here and they all have recieved support from outside the church. Even the main pastor is not on a salary and God provides the money for everyone. All staff is required to spend 6 hours a day in the prayer room.
She was talking about how her whole life all she wanted to was spend time in the Lord's presence, got involved in ministry and when she found out about this place (from New Zealand) she came and found that it was okay to just minister to the Lord and not get caught up in all the business of everything else. Since then God keeps providing for her financially to be here.

Then the teacher was talking about a book about a man in China who he wants the interns to read, whose partner in ministry has spoken here. This man (I didn't get the name) was in prison four times and at one point he fasted from food and water and didn't talk for 75 DAYS!!! He was tortured terribly the whole time Then when he did he didn't just tell people about Jesus, he COMMANDED people/jailers/judge to come to the Lord and they fell under the conviction of the Lord. Then he said that his favorite story about this guy was that when he went to jail the second time the Lord made clear that it was because he had stopped spending time with Him and being in His presence and had gotten too busy with his very "successful" ministry! isn't that amazing.

Anyway, lots of life here. The girls are so happy (Shannon Sumrall, Jenny Alexander, Kate Sapp) and jumping around when I got here. I was like "what happened?" They have a lot of the light of the Spirit in their eyes after praying for several hours a day the last ten days. Can't wait to see what has happened in their hearts by the end of the summer. I just hope I can take the Spirit of this place with my on the rest of the journey. ...I will add pictures of me and the girls soon.

Thanks for reading!


17th June 2005

very interesting place, IHOP
I've never been to IHOP but members of my church in Carbondale have visited and talked about it--thanks for your blog and for the insights! Take care and blessings on your journey! anne PS I'd also heard about that book you mentioned but didn't know what it was about till I read it here.

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