Parting Clouds for a Break of Sun

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November 29th 2006
Published: November 29th 2006
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First MorningFirst MorningFirst Morning

Marrin looking out over the roof's edge at the view in the valley.
And the clouds parted…

At least the ones over the earth did…the ones inside my brain are still making me feel foggy; however, nothing could stop me in my first day of introducing the kids to Asia.

Despite travel delays and jetlag, though everyone keeps telling me they are amazed I can put together a sentence after spending that much time on a plane and only sleeping part of a normal night….we had a great day.

The clouds really did part…long enough for us to head down to Danshui for some shopping and a walk along the water front. Marrin took the picture of the boats that you see. Really nice shot I think.

Marrin has really taken to looking after Nen (Isaiah) and Miles is having a good time being a boy with Wayne around. The two of them are playing with Miles’ Bionicles.

Marrin has picked up on how to say thank you and hello and is a constant source of amusement to all the Chinese ladies that hear her say it. The people here love Miles’ curly hair and are not afraid to stand in front of us and comment on it! Ahhhh,
Boats lined up at DanShuiBoats lined up at DanShuiBoats lined up at DanShui

Marrin's picture of the boats along the river.
yes, please stand and stare and point at my adorable circus freaks….please don’t feed the animals! All part of the novelty of things not common I suppose.

We had meat on a stick for supper…Marrin is happy now.

She loves it here and keeps thanking me for bringing her here. I am so pleased she is content. She is writing in her journal right now. I think tonight’s topic is about her scooter ride today, I wish I could have nabbed a picture. Miles is just happy to go along and see the world and what it provides for him…food item by food item. 

Oh…and I bought converse chucks today…for about 30 bucks Canadian. I had to ….really, they are high-tops even… (Marrin modeled them in the picture for me…she says they are so “in”.) I don’t think I will ever come to an Asian country without purchasing shoes…..LOL.

I promise more interesting things in the near future, but tonight I am blaming this lame entry on jet lag and an annoying stuffy nose.

Additional photos below
Photos: 4, Displayed: 4


The river viewThe river view
The river view

Marrin and Miles after lunch at the river side.
My New ChucksMy New Chucks
My New Chucks

Lol...I HAD to!!!

29th November 2006

Lovely pictures, especially Marrin's pictures of the boats. Glad its fun. Keep the pics and journals coming. I love it. Today here it is snowing, and a new Pacific Storm pushing in this afternoon, high winds, snow turning to rain. At least rain will feel normal. Aren't you glad you're there and not here!!

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