sigh, Bangkok again...

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November 25th 2006
Published: November 25th 2006
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ugh, I'm really starting to get sick of having to come through this city, oh Bangkok how crazy are you? it's really hard to know
anyways, this'll just be a quick note to let you all know that I really am okay!
I left Laos yesterday, which was really sad because I loved it there and I knew I'd be coming back here (to Bangkok). The journey was epic but I made some friends along the way which helped make it pass a little easier and it was nice to have people to share a cab with. I shelled out for my room cuz I got in at 5 am and I just wanted to crash so I got my own bathroom, a hot shower and a TV!
I'm aiming to spend some time resting and relaxing by the pool (yes I have a pool!), and hopefully meeting up with a former student who says I should stay with her and I would if I hadn't already paid for tonight I would... maybe tomorrow night I'll take her up on it. She really wants to take me out for a vegetarian feast and I'm happy to oblige her!
Monday I fly to Dubai so this will be my last blog from Asia (for now) hope everyone is well, I hear there's been some crazy rain storms. I'll spare you the details of the weather here, but just close your eyes and imagine how good this air con feels to me right now.... ah!
love Alexis


26th November 2006

Hey Girl
How's it hanging? We have a snow storm right now, which is pretty cool. I went to the Rolling Stones last night and saw Nancy Blundell! I'm glad you've posted pictures, recovered from your illness, and appreciate air con (not to be confused with Con Air). Can you find out Dubai info for teaching English? I'm interested. Adios amiga.
26th November 2006

Lexi, you rock! I just read/watched The Beach, and it made me think of you cuz it takes place in Thailand, and for a while they're in Bangkok. It looks crazy! Have fun getting to Dubai!
28th November 2006

Hey! We've got snow here in Victoria, and school was cancelled today-you missed out....
28th November 2006

We've gone from terrible rain storms to at least 7 inches of snow! enjoy the warm weather for all of us! and have fun with Anna!

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