Moran Falls, Lamington NP

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November 19th 2006
Published: November 19th 2006
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So we had a few extra photo's that did not make it onto the last entry (they where on another disk). These are of a very nice waterfall called Moran Fall in the Laminton National Park, near Byron Bay.

Additional photos below
Photos: 4, Displayed: 4



This is Moran Falls in Lamington N.P. in N.S.W. (close to Byron Bay)
View from top of Moran FallsView from top of Moran Falls
View from top of Moran Falls

The view from the top with Elnaz, Ben and John-o.
View from top of Moran FallsView from top of Moran Falls
View from top of Moran Falls

We stayed there for a while, until it was getting dusk, it was just amazing!

19th December 2006

Hey guys you havn't had a single coment yet whats up with that.... Well i guess i can be the first to start it and maybe others will join. Your guys are probably doing some thing super cool right now like hanging out on a beach or possibly doing some baking at your jobs. Hope your having fun any ways. Miss you two. Bye for now !!!! Your not so little sis Azadeh

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