So, we've arrived

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November 14th 2006
Published: November 14th 2006
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Hello everyone

Before we start i blame all wrong spellings on the keyboard... its different... not much but its enough, as you all know normally its always correct,

So, we arrived here yesterday and mainly were amazed that we were here... went we weren't amazed at that we did a bit of being amazed at how busy bangkok is... its a crazy place kinda like london on speed... turns out the lisbon experience really helps as i've been able to make a lot of used to my much practiced NO... We got talking to some guy from San fransisco who told us how to say no in thai but to be honest it sounded like an impression of a cat... when i tried it they all laughed... oh well what you gonna do.

So today we went to the grand palace which was... grand... very grand... kinda like the vatican in teh whole very nice but once you've seen one bit the rest seems pretty much the same but... it is incredibly ornate... very very impressive... saw the emerald buddah who kinda looked like yoda on top of a huge golden type erm... think.. he was about 10m up i think... we also saw the reclining buddah who was erm, big... very big.

Khoa san road is a very very crazy place... if you wanna buy stuff then thats the place to go its way cheap there are heaps of bars and stuff as well so its a cool place to just chillout and when you get hungry order some noodles!! sweet... We just got served by a lady boy for those of you who are intrested by bangkoks reputation... mainly we'll be staying away from those type of places but... he... or she was there serving food at this place... its disturbing. but... this is bangkok..


yer that'll do for now... i'll kep you guys posted.




17th November 2006

stick to the noodles and leave the ladyboys alone!!!
hellooooo just got the email with the link on decided to comment now as the computer at home is ridiculously slow. soooo, im glad you got there ok and stuff, and enjoying yourself...sounds like a really cool place. do you remember oli bow??? well he says hi....he's here too aaaanyway...glad you enjoying urself, say hi 2 jenny! i've got to go do some questionnaire now...have fun byeeeee

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